Title | Type | Category |
Nov/Dec IFS: Preventing Fungal Infections in Your Facility | Whitepapers | Infection Control, Patient Safety |
Sponsored by - McCloud Services
Top 10 Tips to Prevent Problems with Bed Bugs
Whitepapers | Infection Control, Patient Safety |
Sponsored by - Clorox Healthcare
UV Case Study: Excela Health
Whitepapers | Infection Control, Patient Safety |
May/June IFS: Hand Washing Rates Still Challenge Hospital Staff | Whitepapers | Environment and Facilities, Infection Control, Patient Safety |
PPE in Healthcare: How to Improve Culture, Consistency, and Compliance | Webinars | Infection Control, Patient Safety, Team Training |
May/June IFS – Infection Control: UV Technology Helps Hospitals and Clinics Fight the War Against Infections From Ebola to C. difficile | Whitepapers | Infection Control |