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Jan/Feb IFS: Weighing the Pros and Cons of Patient Safety Technology Whitepapers Patient Safety, Technology
Sponsored by - Midas+ Solutions
The Building Blocks for Healthcare Providers to Achieve Value-Based Care
Whitepapers Leadership, Quality Improvement, Technology
Sponsored by - Dude Solutions
When it Comes to Improving the Patient Experience, a Healthcare-Specific CMMS is Just What the Doctor Ordered
Whitepapers Quality Improvement, Technology
Sponsored by - Midas+ Solutions
Preparing for electronic reporting of Clinical Quality Measures (eCQM)
Whitepapers Technology
Sponsored by - Optum
How interactive patient technologies are transforming the care experience
Whitepapers Quality Improvement, Technology
Jan/Feb IFS – From Medicine to the Cloud: Technology in Healthcare Whitepapers Technology
National Nurses Week Special Report Whitepapers Infection Control, Nursing, Technology, Workplace Safety
On-Demand: Automating Informed Consent – Moving from Paper to Electronic Consent Forms Webinars Technology
Sponsored by - invistics
On-Demand: Detecting Drug Diversion Faster using NIH-Funded Machine Learning Analytics
Webinars Patient Safety, Quality Improvement, Technology
How One State Successfully Addressed the Challenge of Medication Reconciliation Webinars Medication Safety, Patient Safety, Technology