What’s Your Experience with Clinical Alarms?
Aug. 11, 2011—The Healthcare Technology Foundation is conducting a re-survey of the healthcare field to determine changes in the healthcare profession’s perception of clinical alarm problems, improvements made at their facilities, and priorities for future action. The survey is co-sponsored in part by the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation with many collaborating organizations.
Please help address this important issue by distributing this call for participation to appropriate staff in your institutions. The survey can be accessed at
The survey ends on September 7, 2011.
If you require a hardcopy survey, click here to download the survey. Save/Scan and return to info@its.uvm.edu, fax to 802 656-8561, or mail to:
5200 Butler Pike
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19461-1298
Completed hard-copy surveys must be received by September 2, 2011.
Your contribution is critical to the improvement of clinical alarms-related issues, a subject that will be addressed at the forthcoming Alarms Summit (http://www.aami.org/alarms/index.html)