PSQH Quick Poll 2022: Taking the Pulse of Infection Prevention Efforts
As part of PSQH’s celebration of International Infection Prevention Week, we decided to reach out to our readers with a few questions to find out the state of infection prevention efforts. The Quick Poll had a total of 209 respondents.
PSQH: The Podcast Episode 64 – Spotlighting the Danger of Non-Ventilator Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
On episode 64 of PSQH: The Podcast, Dian Baker, a professor at the School of Nursing, California State University, Sacramento, talks about hospital-acquired pneumonia. This episode is part of PSQH’s activities for International Infection Prevention Week.
Chief Nurse: How to Reduce Serious Safety Events
Ward, who has more than 30 years of experience in healthcare administration and has served in senior nursing roles in organizations across the country, spoke with HealthLeaders about what has worked in reducing serious safety events.
PHE Renewed Again but Start Planning Now for Flexibility to End
The next renewal date would be on or before Wednesday, January 11, 2023. Just before the PHE was renewed in October, CMS published a blog “Creating a Roadmap for the End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency,” with attached links to memos about the waivers for each provider type.
The Way Forward: Coronavirus Remains Focal Point for Healthcare Organizations
Now that COVID-19 has reached an endemic phase, one of the biggest challenges facing healthcare organizations is keeping communities focused on containing the virus, says Janet Tomcavage, MS, executive vice president and chief nurse executive at Geisinger Health.
Using Technology to Improve Opioid Use Disorder Treatment
The cutting edge of digital health and home testing is bumping up against norms in society and medicine as the healthcare industry tackles a substance abuse epidemic. An organization that epitomizes this challenge is Bicycle Health, a Boston-based provider treating more than 8,000 patients in 29 states for opioid use disorder.
Researcher: ‘The Levees Have Broken’ at Emergency Departments
The new studies examine boarding of patients in emergency departments before they are moved to inpatient beds and patients who left without being seen (LWBS), the latter presumably because of ED crowding and long wait times. The Joint Commission has deemed extended boarding of patients in the ED as a patient safety risk, with boarding recommended not to exceed four hours. Relatively high LWBS rates can have significant negative consequences for patients if they are deferring care for acute conditions.
Study: Pediatric Epilepsy Patients Responded Well to Telemedicine During Pandemic
The Epilepsy Neurogenetics Initiative at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia reported that across nearly 50,000 visits, patients continued to use telemedicine effectively, even when outpatient clinics reopened a year after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
PSQH: The Podcast Episode 63 – Getting Back to Basics With Hand Hygiene
On episode 63 of PSQH: The Podcast, Megan DiGiorgio, senior clinical manager at GOJO Industries, talks about getting back to basics with hand hygiene.
Male Physicians Receive Higher Payments from Medical Companies than Female Physicians
The new research article, which was published by JAMA Surgery, features data from the Open Payments Database for female and male physicians who received the most payments from the 15 highest-grossing U.S. medical supply companies from January 2013 to January 2019.