Inspector General Provides Recommendations for Nursing Home Infection Prevention

Using Medicare claims data, the OIG looked at 15,086 nursing homes nationwide that had “extremely high” infection rates between spring and fall of 2020. Particularly, they looked at each facility’s characteristics, whether they’d been cited with infection control deficiencies, as well as if their reported nursing hours met Medicare’s minimum requirement.

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How Will the End of the PHE Affect Telehealth and Digital Health?

When the PHE was created in January of 2020 to help the nation deal with the growing pandemic, a  number of waivers and exemptions were put in place by federal and state regulators to help healthcare organizations expand and be reimbursed for digital health and telehealth services. The idea behind this was to allow providers to use virtual and connected health tools and platforms to reduce the spread of the virus and make sure consumers were able to access needed healthcare services.

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