Survey: Health Systems See Technology as a Key to Improving Patient Access
The Top of Mind for Top Health Systems 2023 report, released this week by CCM, the innovation arm of UPMC, and KLAS Research, represents the thoughts of 61 leaders from 59 healthcare organizations, and marks the second year in a row that patient access is at the top of the to-do list. Some 28% of those surveyed for this year’s report rated it as the problem that has the greatest potential to be improved via digital health–and one that has been greatly impacted by the pandemic.
Second Year of Coronavirus Pandemic Took Heavy Toll on Clinicians
The new study, which was published last week by JAMA Health Forum, is based on survey data collected from more than 20,000 clinicians. The survey data was collected between February 2019 and December 2021.
Presbyterian Healthcare Services CMO Talks Strategy, Patient Safety, and Workforce
Mitchell leads more than 1,100 physicians and advanced practice clinicians. He also provides clinical oversight for the Albuquerque, New Mexico—based health system’s medical staff operations at nine hospitals. HealthLeaders recently talked with him about a range of topics, including clinical leadership at PHS, healthcare worker burnout, patient safety at PHS, and workforce shortages.
New Handbook Tackles Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare
The Crisis Prevention Institute has published the Workplace Violence Prevention Handbook, a free resource detailing recommendations and strategies to help healthcare professionals across the board improve their organizations’ workplace violence prevention programming.
Tackling Nursing’s Trifecta of Challenges
An aging and retiring nurse workforce, burnout from the pandemic, and a rapidly greying Baby Boomer population have created a trifecta of staffing challenges across the healthcare space, but one nurse leader has some suggestions.
A Virtual Second Opinion Can Save Your Life
Your loved one is likely already receiving high-quality medical care for their condition. However, there may be times when you or your loved one desires a second opinion, like Dan. Perhaps your loved one has a condition that, despite treatment, isn’t improving or is getting worse; perhaps they have been diagnosed with a serious or rare health condition or have been told their condition is not treatable; perhaps they are facing treatment that involves significant risks, such as surgery or chemotherapy.
Can Ready-to-Administer Syringes Improve Patient Care, Reduce Medical Errors, and Support a Greener Environment?
As a replacement for the error-prone bedside act of drawing up medication from a glass vial, RTA syringe technology provides a prefilled polymer syringe that has a color-coded plunger, is prelabeled, and boasts an impressive shelf life. The time savings in providing busy clinicians with equipment requiring no preparation is self-evident.
Researchers Link 266K Avertable Deaths to COVID Vaccination Rates
The rate of COVID mortality in the nation’s 10 least-vaccinated states – 145 per 100,000 population — was nearly double the COVID mortality rate of the 10 most-vaccinated states (74.5/100,000), according to the letter which was published Friday in JAMA Network.
AHA: ‘A Strong and Resilient Workforce is the Backbone of Our Hospitals and Health Systems’
Health systems and hospitals are facing widespread workforce shortages, particularly in nursing. Top healthcare executives say staffing shortages are their most pressing clinical care problem now that the crisis phase of the coronavirus pandemic has passed. Burnout has spiked during the pandemic.
Improving Patient Experience and Disparate Tech
Healthcare organizations and providers have made significant investments toward patient-oriented care in recent years. But with the adoption of many new technologies comes unintended results. While integrating patient engagement capabilities was a high priority for 55% of survey participants, 84% did not think any existing platform could easily achieve this.