View from the Hill: National News at HIMSS Leadership Summit
Even though it is summertime, we are in the midst of dramatic developments forÝimproving patient safety.
Faster Time to PTCA: Improving Safety, Communication, and Satisfaction
In June 2003, Stony Brook University Hospital, a 504-bed tertiary care facility on Long Island, New York, performed a review of door-to-PTCA (percutaneous transluminal angioplasty) times, which revealed…
Ethics Toolbo: Medicare Part D, Healthcare Literacy, and the Consumer
The complexity of the Medicare Part D drug benefit can be grasped when one tries to navigate the hundreds of pages available on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Web site.
Editor’s Notebook: Good Advice from a Surgeon and Writer
Atul Gawande, MD, MPH, is a surgeon and writer whose work focuses on understanding medical errors and improving the performance of physicians.
Delivering the Promise to Healthcare: Improving Patient Safety and Quality of Care Using Aviation CRM
The application of proven aviation crew resource management (CRM) technology and training to the reduction of medical errors is a steadily emerging area of human factors.
Zero Errors: Aiming for Zero Errors. Clarian’s Safe Passage Program Improves Infusion Safety
Few issues command as much attention in the healthcare industry as patient safety. As healthcare professionals and hospital administrators know, nurses are key players in patient safety programs.
Medication Safety – Averting Highest-Risk Errors Is First Priority Part II: Nursing Satisfaction,Wireless Networking,”Smart”Pain Management, Best Practice Improvements, and ROI
Targeting medication safety efforts to give first priority to averting the highest-risk errors allows hospitals to achieve the most rapid and significant impact on improving medication safety.
What Really Ails Us?: Part I – Failure to Rescue and Errors of Omission
The problem of patients developing complications during hospitalization and suffering morbidity and mortality as a consequence has always been present. But recently, intense attention has been focused on this phenomenon, as it is the primary cause of preventable hospital mortality.
Technology & Quality – Path Innovation: Transcending Automation
After a brief reprieve during the 1990s, healthcare again faces the vexing problem of rising healthcare costs with accompanying increases in premiums and out-of-pocket costs for consumers.
Quality Platform – Proceedings from the Quality Colloquium: Baldrige as a Quality Platform
Baptist Hospital, Inc. (BHI), in Pensacola, Florida, first entered the formal world of continuous quality improvement with the adoption of continuous quality improvement/total quality management (CQI/TQM) techniques in 1991.