Smart Pumps: Advanced Capabilities and Continuous Quality Improvement
The introduction of “smart” (computerized) intravenous (IV) infusion pumps in 2001 signaled a major advance in medication safety. For the first time, pumps with safety software could automatically alert clinicians to avoid IV infusion programming errors that otherwise could have tragic results.
Quality Improvement: Quality Care Starts with Accurate Data
How good are we? Recent news stories have illuminated the fact that less than one-third of patients suffering heart attacks get their blocked arteries opened within the recommended 90-minute timeframe.
Trends in Point-of-Care Alarm Notification
Alarm management and notification remains one of the most important patient safety concerns for healthcare providers.
Peer Review: Best Practices for Enhancing Quality
Most states protect doctors involved in hospital peer review. Still the professional working relationships among doctors make peer review difficult. Doctors do not want to review colleagues for fear of criticizing their friends and possibly being censured in return.
Medication Safety: The Right Stuff
Generally speaking, the term “decision support” refers to the functionality in computer systems that analyzes data and provides recommendations based on agreed-upon protocols.
View From The Hill: The Election Results and State Influences on Patient Safety
The American electorate has spoken, and the new 110th Congress has taken office with Democrats in charge of both the United States House of Representatives and the Senate.
Ethics Toolbox: The Moral Hazard Undermining Healthcare
In recent years, front-page articles about the escalating “healthcare crisis” have been a consistent staple of news reporting.
Editor’s Notebook: The TransForum* Experience
The simple trick of using colored paper — even mediocre blue reminiscent of faded school hand-outs — worked to get my attention.
Empowering Care through Communications Technology
Nearly 600 attendees participated in Partners Telemedicine’s 3rd Annual Connected Health Symposium.
Care Management: Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare Measure, Compare, and Improve
At an early morning department meeting in the fall of 2005, the physicians and nurses of the Critical Care Committee at Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital in Texas gathered over coffee and bagels to review the latest data from the hospital practice.