Creating and Sustaining a Culture of Safety
Healthcare consumers are increasingly aware of medical error and publicly reported quality measures.
Peer Review: Independent Review Supports Transparency
With the increased focus on transparency in healthcare, it is now more than ever in a hospital’s best interest to have a robust peer review program that aligns with national patient safety efforts.
A Dashboard for the PACU: Given a Window into the OR, Recovery Nurses Transform Work Methods
Communication in the perioperative environment is critical for patient safety and effective teamwork. Team members need to know the name of the patient, scheduled procedure, patient precautions and allergies, along with names of team members working together for a given case. Over the past several years, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) developed an intra-operative dashboard in collaboration with LiveData (Cambridge, Massachusetts) to aid in the Timeout/Universal Protocol process as well as provide these critical communication elements (Figure 1).
AHRQ: New Patient Safety Organizations Can Help Health Providers Learn From, Reduce Medical Errors
Following the passage of the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005, the federal government is readying a final rule that aims to encourage health providers to report, learn from, and ultimately reduce the incidence of medical errors.
Objects Retained During Surgery: Human Diligence Meets Systems Solutions
Soon healthcare facilities will need to absorb the direct cost of objects retained during surgery because these occurrences are now considered “preventable conditions” for which the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services won’t pay (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2007).
Health IT & Quality: Using Wireless Tagging Technologies to Locate and Route Resources
As gasoline blows past $4.00 per gallon, few driving experiences are more frustrating than sitting in downtown traffic waiting for a traffic light to change to green.
The Leapfrog Group’s CPOE Standard and Evaluation Tool
Much of the increased focus on improving patient safety in healthcare, which started gaining momentum following the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) 1999 report To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System*, has centered on preventing medication-related adverse events (ADEs).
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Healthcare. A Prescription for Increasing Disclosure and Improving Patient Safety
Patient safety and the prevention of medical errors is a mutual goal sought by all in healthcare — patients, providers, and lawyers.
New Tools for MRI Safety Ferromagnetically Naked
July / August 2008 New Tools for MRI Safety Ferromagnetically Naked By Tobias Gilk Photo courtesy of Metrasens Ltd. The recent Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert #38 on MRI accidents, last year’s American College of Radiology “ACR Guidance Document for Safe MR Practices: 2007” (Kanal et al., 2007), and a string of MRI … Continued
Maintaining Compliance with Joint Commission Medication Management Standard
The Joint Commission’s standards for Medication Management (MM) are among the most rigorous and challenging for an organization to implement.