Editor’s Notebook: Learning from a Close Call

In October, I spent a couple of days caring for a friend undergoing high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell replacement as an outpatient. My responsibilities were very simple, and in performing the most clinical of my duties — dispensing medications — I committed an error.

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Consumers As Partners: An Honest Approach to Patient Engagement

In October 2006, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services approved a new parent education campaign developed by the Centers of Disease Prevention & Control’s (CDC) National Center for Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities together with a broad coalition of stakeholders interested in safe neonatal healthcare.

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Communication: A Family’s Search for Truth

On January 15, 2001, Justin Micalizzi, a healthy 11-year-old boy, was taken into surgery to incise and drain a swollen ankle. He was dead by 7:55 a.m. the next day, leaving behind two grieving and bewildered parents who desperately wanted to know why their son had died.

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Medication Safety: Legislation to the Rescue?

I was amused by a headline in a recent edition of a Chicago newspaper that read, “City Council considers ban on frying food in trans fat oils…” Can you imagine? Could this be another government regulation stating the obvious and trying to protect us from what we already know?

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