Nationwide Nursing Shortage Spotlights Need for Retention Programs
The recent health care summit at the White House spotlighted the nursing shortage, which threatens the quality of patient care throughout the nation’s hospitals.
AONE Launches Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB) Dissemination Initiative
The American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) today announced the next phase of its dissemination of the Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB) initiative, a program to share a set of practical, easy-to-use tools that will help hospitals improve the quality and safety of patient care on medical and surgical units.
GE Launches ‘Healthymagination’; Will Commit $6 Billion to Enable Better Health Focusing on Cost, Access and Quality
GE announced today that it will spend $3 billion over the next six years on healthcare innovation that will help deliver better care to more people at lower cost. In addition, the company will commit $2 billion of financing and $1 billion in related GE technology and content to drive healthcare information technology and health in rural and underserved areas.
AHRQ and DoD Release New Team Training Tool for Hospital Rapid Response Systems
A new team training tool on Rapid Response Systems has been released and is available from the Agency for Healthcare Research Quality and the Department of Defense.
Joint Commission Solicits Feedback on Proposed Revisions to NSPGs and Universal Protocol
The Joint Commission is revising the 2009 National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) and the 2009 Universal Protocol to clarify language and make sure that they are relevant to the settings in which they apply.
A New aMednovus Unveils New MRI Safety Detector: First Pass-Through With Introductory Pricing Below $10,000
Mednovus, Inc., announced the release of their new SAFESCAN® INTERCEPT PILLAR™ ferromagnetic detection system this week at the Magnetic Resonance Manager’s Society (MRMS) annual meeting in Tampa, Florida. The product promises to help providers improve MRI safety for patients and staff.
CenTrak Introduces World’s Thinnest Active RFID Tag
CenTrak, a leading provider of Real-Time Locations Systems (RTLS) for tracking equipment and people indoors, today introduced its new IT-740 Staff Badge, the world’s thinnest hybrid active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag currently on the market.
Coastal Offers Free Safety Training For Home Health Caregivers
During the month of May, Coastal is offering its award-winning online course, Personal Safety For Home Health Caregivers, for free.
Medical Simulation Corporation Introduces Central Line Management Program at the National Teaching Institute and Critical Care Exposition
Medical Simulation Corporation (MSC) will launch the SimSuite Central Line Management Program at AACN’s National Teaching Institute (NTI) and Critical Care Exposition, the world’s largest conference for nurses who care for acutely and critically ill patients, May 16-21, in New Orleans, LA.
Pharmacy OneSource Adds Advanced Rule Logic to Sentri7
Pharmacy OneSource, Inc., software-as-a-service provider to more than 1,300 hospitals in the United States, announced today that new advanced rule logic has been added to Sentri7, a web-based clinical surveillance software application.