AHRQ: Progress Slows in Improving Patient Safety for All Populations

Ever since the Institute of Medicine reported that up to 98,000 Americans die each year as the result of medical errors (2000) and observed that our healthcare system suffers from a “chasm” between consistent, high-quality care that is based on the best scientific knowledge available and the care many actually receive (2001), there has been renewed vigor in reducing variation and improving healthcare for all Americans.

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Patient Identification: Producing a Better Barcoded Wristband

Patient identification is the cornerstone of patient safety. In fact, virtually all patient safety initiatives call for patient identification as a critical step in a larger workflow, such as verifying the “five rights” of medication administration or matching the correct blood product with the right patient prior to a transfusion.

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Editor’s Notebook: Patient Safety Communities

Like enthusiastic schoolchildren bubbling with friendly competition for attention, a room full of CEOs and other executives vied for time on the microphone to share their problems, success stories, and questions about improving the safety and quality of care delivered in their institutions.

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A New Bundle for Preventing CRBSIs

Patients in hospitals have a right to expect that any risks associated with their care are avoided. When it comes to catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs), those expectations are not being met. Many in the infection control community believe that CRBSIs are preventable.

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