CDC Pushing Environmental Control Reminders as Respiratory Infections Tick Upward
The CDC is urging hospitals to implement broader source control as COVID-19 cases are spiking across the country along with an uptick in cases of respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. Influenza is also a concern, especially as schools are back in session.
3 Health Systems Where Tech is Transforming Nursing
These three stories from HealthLeaders illustrate how nurses at hospitals and health systems around the country are embracing the advancements that technology and AI can provide.
Why Nurse Practitioners are a Solution to Rural Healthcare Challenges
NPs could ease “care deserts” created by physician shortages and rural hospital closings. Nearly 80% of rural U.S. counties are medical deserts, according to the NRHA. About 35% of all U.S. counties are “total maternity deserts”—no access to prenatal or delivery services—and another 54% are considered partial deserts, which equates to 7 million women without access to maternity care, according to the March of Dimes.
PCAST Report Urges Federal Leadership on Patient Safety
A new report released this week to President Biden issued four recommendations to improve patient safety, including the appointment of a federal patient safety coordinator and requiring annual public reporting of “never events.”
PSQH: The Podcast Episode 87 – The Evolution of the Patient Experience
On episode 87 of PSQH: The Podcast, Hari Prasad, CEO and co-founder of Yosi Health, talks about the evolution of the patient experience.
Patient Volume Expected to Rebound in Fall Following Summer Dip
Patient volume has been a barometer of the financial health of providers following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the largest for-profit hospitals reported encouraging admission totals in the second quarter of the year, which contributed to stabilizing operating margins.
The Medical Library: A Hospital’s Most Underappreciated Asset
Among healthcare professionals, the hunger for the most current knowledge requires constant feeding. Medical knowledge is always evolving. The latest research will always inform a hospital’s best practices, regardless of the type of medicine being practiced. Research bears this out.
Post-Acute Care Shortage: WellSky Report Looks at the Impact on Hospitals and Patients
Hospitals are finding it harder to place patients in home care and nursing homes. Referrals to skilled nursing facilities (SNF) and home health agencies (HHA) have increased 10% and 11%, respectively. At the same time, rejection rates to HHAs have skyrocketed 40%.
The Benefits of Interoperability Between Virtual and In-Person Care
According to a study on the unintended consequences of national EHR adoption, poor interoperability can lead to medical errors, fragmentation of patient data, redundant testing, and an overall increase in costs.
Trial Shows Benefits to Improved Remote Monitoring
Implicity, a developer of alert-based remote monitoring solutions, in collaboration with the Health Data Hub, looked at a database of over 68,000 patients linking real-world data from patients with cardiac-implantable electronic devices to remote monitoring methods and compared mortality rates, annual hospitalizations, and the cumulative duration of hospital stays.