Improving Transgender Patient Care
The single most important thing a physician can do in caring for transgender patients, is to advise them where to find counselors who can provide appropriate gender dysphoria therapy. Why? The transgender population is at nine times the risk for attempted suicide as the general population.
Two Effective Initiatives for C-Suite Leaders to Improve Medication Safety and the Reliability of Outcomes
To achieve extraordinary results, senior leaders must put in a lot of heavy lifting, tackling one type of undesired safety outcome at a time
Fundamentally Human: Learning By Design
Simulations are carried out in the actual clinical areas of care, and with strong objectives, pre-briefs, and debriefs, can also achieve significant outcomes without substantial investment.
Clinical Care, HIT, and Mike Trout
Clinical decisions made by physicians mimic, in many ways, the processes batters use to hit a baseball. Everyday clinical care requires a high level of pattern recognition. Physicians use a patient’s history, physical exam, and current diagnosis, combined with laboratory values and other tests, to determine the final diagnoses that paint a patient’s condition.
Structured Patient Handoffs: The Movement Toward Adverse Event Reduction in the Perioperative Unit
The use of a standardized handoff checklist tool improves time efficiency, reduces medication discrepancies, and there is a reduction of deficits or missed communications in the handoff process.