TJC Offers New Compendium of Workplace Safety Resources

Much like the TJC’s other websites offering links to resources, the site breaks out the information into federal and TJC compendiums, that in turn offer different levels of work tools on healthcare worker care and safety. For instance, the resource links to TJC’s own workplace violence website, as well as federal healthcare staff-related resources from OSHA, the CDC and NIOSH.

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OSHA Urges Action on Spike in Healthcare Injuries, Illnesses

There was a 38.3% increase across private industry cases in days away from work (DAFW) in 2020, the BLS reported in its Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII), the bureau’s annual tally of nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses. The BLS also compiles an annual Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI).

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‘Are You Going to Keep Me Safe?’ Hospital Workers Sound Alarm on Rising Violence

COVID unit nurses also have shouldered extra responsibilities during the pandemic. Duties such as feeding patients, drawing blood and cleaning rooms would typically be conducted by other hospital staffers, but nurses have pitched in on those jobs to minimize the number of workers visiting the negative-pressure rooms where COVID patients are treated.

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Three Ways to Improve Workplace Violence Response Time

The bill, now with the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, would require OSHA to develop an enforceable healthcare-specific standard around workplace violence prevention. Hospitals, home health agencies, long-term care facilities, and others would be required to develop and implement a comprehensive workplace violence protection plan in compliance with the standard’s requirements.

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Joint Commission Issues New Workplace Violence Standards

According to The Joint Commission, 73% of nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses causing days of missed work in health care are connected to workplace violence. Because incidents of workplace violence may be underreported, the actual figure is probably much higher, the group said in an August 9 blog post.

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