Connectivity to Improve Patient Safety

Connectivity to Improve Patient Safety


For the past 5 years the Medical Device “Plug-and-Play” Interoperability Program has been leading the evaluation and adoption of open standards and technology for medical device interoperability to support clinical innovation and improve patient safety.

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Online Connectivity

Online Connectivity

The government campaign to stimulate physician adoption of health information technology is focused on electronic health records. But other types of information technology that are considerably more affordable and less difficult to implement can also help improve safety and care quality.

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Health IT & Quality: Raison d’Être

Health IT & Quality

Raison d’Être


What is the purpose of health information technology? Why are we spending all these billions of dollars on this “thing” we struggle to understand, implement, and use? Is it achieving the goals of its purpose?

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Health Information Exchange: NHIN: The New Health Internet

Health Information Exchange

NHIN: The New Health Internet


I have not been a big fan of the National Health Information Network (NHIN) concept. It was — and in large part still is — a top-heavy federal government effort to create a nationwide infrastructure to facilitate the exchange of clinical information. That is a high, lofty, and admirable goal, but one that is too far in front of where the market is today.

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