Healthcare Team Training and Smart Horizons Partner to Launch a New Online Learning Course
Healthcare Team Training (HTT) and Smart Horizons have partnered to launch a new online learning course, Coaching for Success, which is approved for CEU credit through Duke University Health System Clinical Education & Professional Development. This course develops individual coaching knowledge and skills for healthcare professionals.
New Anvita Insight 4.0 Clinical Analytics Engine Drives Better Patient Care
Bloodstream Infection Surveillance Inconsistent Between Institutions, U-M Study Shows
Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital Plans to Expand Bar Code Scanning to Blood Product Administration
IHI Awarded Federal Funding to Develop and Disseminate Innovations in Healthcare Delivery
Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 7, 2010—The U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has awarded a five-year Master Contract to the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) to help accelerate adoption of new models of health care delivery nationally. The contract is awarded through AHRQ’s Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks (ACTION) II initiative. … Continued
Standard Register Poised to Make Impact in UK with Patient ID Bands
Using Telehealth to Improve Continuity of Care
Using Telehealth to Improve Continuity of Care
As our global population grows older with a higher incidence of chronic conditions, we have an imperative to truly improve quality of care both within and beyond the walls of the hospital while reducing costs.
Auto ID Technology
Auto ID Technology
RFID – An Alternative to Barcodes at the Bedside?
Barcoding has become established in several industries as an inexpensive and reliable automatic identification technology that can overcome human error in capturing and validating information.
Q&A: Barcoding and Ministry — from Preacher to Barcode Evangelist
Barcoding and Ministry—from Preacher to Barcode Evangelist
Mark Neuenschwander of Bellevue, Washington, is considered by many to be the world’s leading expert in the field of drug dispensing automation and barcode point-of-care systems.
Health IT & Quality
Health IT & Quality
A True Tipping Point?
From the signing of healthcare reform legislation to the release of final rules for “meaningful use,” events in 2010 are driving toward a true transformation in the delivery of healthcare in the United States.