PSQH: The Podcast Episode 107 – Best Practices for Fall Prevention Programs
On episode 107 of PSQH: The Podcast, Dr. Amy Hester, chairwoman and CEO of HD Nursing, talks about best practices for fall prevention programs.
Health Care Risk Management Week Resources from PSQH
As Health Care Risk Management Week wraps up, we want to call attention to the important work done by professionals as they identify potential risks and respond to adverse outcomes. Thanks to our partners Collette Health, Origami Risk, and SAI360 this week for their support.
How a Cybersecurity Audit Can Identify Risk of Compromise
As these attacks become more sophisticated and the extent of their damage grows, organizations must be vigilant when it comes to patient data and information. When conducting cybersecurity audits, the HHS Office of Inspector General uses their findings to provide recommendations to help strengthen the subject’s security.
Integrated Risk Management: The Case for a Single Platform
By Bill Schwacke For healthcare risk management leaders, data is a key factor in supporting systematic decisions. From patient & employee safety, quality metrics to claims reporting and workers’ compensation cases, the data you collect and analyze drives your entire risk mitigation strategy. However, that data is often siloed across multiple systems, making it … Continued
PSQH Quick Poll 2024: Taking the Pulse of Healthcare Risk Management
As part of Health Care Risk Management Week, PSQH reached out to our readers with a few questions about how healthcare organizations are dealing with managing risks. The Quick Poll had a total of 100 respondents.
Have a Plan to Prevent Patient Falls
By Collette Health Patient falls continue to be a major problem for health organizations. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) estimates that each year between 700,000 and 1 million people in the U.S. fall in hospitals. These falls can result in fractures, lacerations, or internal bleeding, which can lead to further healthcare … Continued
PSQH: The Podcast Episode 106 – Using Data to Conduct More Effective Risk Assessments
On episode 106 of PSQH: The Podcast, Kenneth Rohde, president of KRRohde LLC, talks about how to use your data to conduct more effective risk assessments.
Share Your Insight on Healthcare Risk Management
PSQH is conducting a brief survey that examines pressing issues in healthcare risk management.
Health System CMO Shares Impact of Change Healthcare Cyberattack
According to an American Hospital Association survey, 94% of hospitals have experienced a financial impact from the Change Healthcare cyberattack, with more than half of hospitals reporting a significant or serious impact. The survey found the cyberattack has impacted the cash flow at 80% of hospitals, with 60% of those hospitals reporting an impact on revenue of at least $1 million per day. The survey also found that 74% of hospitals reported direct patient care being affected.
The Exec: Medical City Dallas CMO Makes Patient Safety a Constant Concern
Risk management informs patient safety at health systems and hospitals, he says, adding that you must make sure that the processes you have put in place are followed and the clinical staff’s focus is where it should be.