Error vs. Failure: Taking a Different Look at What Goes Wrong in Healthcare
When things go wrong in healthcare, we look at the wrong things after the fact, according to a presenter at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Forum in Orlando earlier this month.
ABQAURP News December 2023
Happy Holidays! ABQAURP wishes you a happy Holiday Season and a joyful New Year! May 2024 bring happiness, peace, and prosperity to you and your family.
Address Falling HCAHPS Scores with Better Communication Tools
As hospitals continue to battle burnout and staffing shortages, the need for advancements in patient/provider communication is rising so that healthcare teams can provide a better experience and improved interactions with patients.
PSQH: The Podcast Episode 94 – How Nurses Are Leading Patient Safety Innovation
On episode 94 of PSQH: The Podcast, Patricia McGaffigan, vice president, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, and Dina Dent, vice president and chief nursing officer at Inova Health System, talk about the IHI’s nurse-led pilot rapid-cycle improvement program.
IHI Forum Kicks Off With Focus on AI, Decarbonization, and Equity
More than 3,000 attendees have gathered in Orlando this week for the IHI Forum, which officials say will mainly focus on three themes: the use of AI in healthcare, reducing healthcare’s carbon footprint, and improving health equity.
Patient Experience is Crucial to the Success of Hospital at Home
The crucial piece of the puzzle that could make this program sustainable is data that proves patients are healing better and faster at home than in the hospital.
Health Systems Can Now Validate Their Data Use Methods
The organization has unveiled a voluntary Responsible Use of Health Data (RUHD) Certification program for US hospitals, including critical access hospitals, which aims to “provide guidance and recognize healthcare organizations navigating the appropriate sensitivities needed to safely transfer data to third-party organizations, also known as secondary use of data.”
Hospital Leadership’s Crucial Role in Sepsis Surveillance: Success at Phoebe Putney Health System
The leadership team at Phoebe Putney Health System recognized a pressing need to enhance real-time point-of-care adherence to sepsis care protocols and ensure the timely continuity of care for sepsis patients.
ABQAURP News October 2023
ABQAURP’s 46th Annual Health Care Quality & Patient Safety Conference was a tremendous success! We are grateful to our attendees and conference partners for a fantastic event. We look forward to seeing you next year!
Study: Telehealth Providers are Failing to Follow Up on Diagnostic Tests
A new study posted in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) by researchers from several notable health systems finds that diagnostic loop closures for colonoscopies, cardiac stress tests, and dermatology referrals were worse for patients after virtual visits than for those patients seeing their doctor in-person.