Healthcare Reform and Increased Patient Needs Require Transformation of Nursing Profession
Nurses’ roles, responsibilities, and education should change significantly to meet the increased demand for care that will be created by health care reform and to advance improvements in America’s increasingly complex health system, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine.
Inside the AHA’s Product Endorsement Process
Inside the AHA’s Product Endorsement Process
Without a doubt, 2010 has proven to be one of the most dynamic years that the healthcare field has seen to date—and more changes are just around the corner. Healthcare reform is shaking up the field, impacting everyone from doctors and patients to hospitals, healthcare facilities, and medical technology vendors.
Using Telehealth to Improve Continuity of Care
Using Telehealth to Improve Continuity of Care
As our global population grows older with a higher incidence of chronic conditions, we have an imperative to truly improve quality of care both within and beyond the walls of the hospital while reducing costs.
Health IT & Quality
Health IT & Quality
A True Tipping Point?
From the signing of healthcare reform legislation to the release of final rules for “meaningful use,” events in 2010 are driving toward a true transformation in the delivery of healthcare in the United States.
Accreditation Canada Report Explores the Connection Between Patient Safety and Quality of Worklife in Healthcare
Accreditation Canada’s 2010 national report on health care in Canada explores the connection between quality of worklife and patient safety in health organizations.
Patient Safety and Medical Liability Reform: Putting the Patient First
Recent research shows a significant correlation between the frequency of adverse events and malpractice claims (Greenberg, et al, 2010). Meanwhile, information from patient satisfaction surveys and patient experiences of care have been shown to predict malpractice risk (Fullam, et al, 2009).
NightHawk Radiology Launches Client Peer Review Program
NightHawk Radiology Services announced the availability of its Client Peer Review (CPR), part of its best-in-class Quality Assurance Program, and the only one of its kind that provides an objective measure of effective communication and reporting accuracy based on the impact on patient outcomes.
Cardinal Health Foundation Awards $1 Million in Grants to Improve Health Care Efficiency, Quality
The Cardinal Health Foundation announced that, for the third consecutive year, it has awarded more than $1 million in grant funding to help U.S. hospitals, health systems and community health clinics improve the efficiency and quality of care.
Health Language’s Scalable Language Engine Helps Hospitals, Physicians Demonstrate Meaningful Use
Press Ganey Acquires Quality Indicator Project®, Expands Clinical Solutions
Press Ganey Associates, Inc. announced it has acquired the Quality Indicator Project® division (QI Project®) from the Maryland Hospital Association.