Health Literacy Innovations Launches the 2011 National Health Literacy Innovators Contest
Cautious Patient Foundation Announces New Grants Program Aimed to Improve Patient Safety and Quality of Healthcare
Houston, Texas, June 14, 2011—The Cautious Patient Foundation (CPF), the outreach and educational arm of Patient Always First, a nonprofit organization committed to educating and empowering patients in the quest for quality healthcare, announced a new grants program to support initiatives that successfully move patients towards greater engagement in their personal or family healthcare process.
Corporate Compliance: Federal Initiatives to Drive Quality of Care: What Patient Safety Officers Need to Know
Corporate Compliance
Federal Initiatives to Drive Quality of Care: What Patient Safety Officers Need to Know
Under the recently enacted Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), every healthcare provider participating in Medicare or Medicaid must now have a corporate compliance program in place. Medicare is seeking transparency, quality, and accountability from healthcare providers.
RWJF Launches Nest Phase of Flagship Initiative to Lift the Quality of American Healthcare
Cautious Patient Foundation Announces New Grants Program Aimed to Improve Patient Safety and Quality of Healthcare
Houston, Texas, April 18, 2011—The Cautious Patient Foundation (CPF), the outreach and educational arm of Patient Always First, a nonprofit organization committed to educating and empowering patients in the quest for quality health care, announced a new grants program to support initiatives that successfully move patients toward greater engagement in their personal or family healthcare process.
Team Training in Obstetrics: Improving Care by Learning to Work Together
Team Training in Obstetrics: Improving Care by Learning to Work Together
Communication gaps and breakdowns are a significant cause of medical errors within the healthcare system. According to data collected by the Joint Commission (2005), communication gaps are the primary root cause of two thirds of sentinel events.
Health & IT Quality: Seeing Is Not Believing
Health & IT Quality
Seeing Is Not Believing
Consider this scenario: An adventure traveler begins his trek to a remote village in the Andes. Upon arriving at the airport, he rents a car and begins his journey on winding roads to the village. After 90 minutes of driving, he encounters an intersection with a traffic light. Upon seeing the bottom of the light glowing brightly, he continues through the intersection.