Driving Value in Health Management Through Rigorous Measurement
Though it may appear overwhelming, it’s possible for organizations to harness the data collected from their health management efforts to more effectively quantify value.
Study: Most Adults Don’t Receive Preventive Care
The paper, published in the June issue of Health Affairs, asserts that preventive services can help patients maintain their good health, and that the entire healthcare delivery system must adopt a proactive approach to care.
Ob Hospitalist Group Creates Nationwide Second Victim Support Network
Ob Hospitalist Group has launched a program for its network of more than 600 obstetricians and midwives who suffer from vicarious trauma—no matter where it takes place.
Improve Patient Mobility in Five Easy Steps
To address this issue and ensure patients were getting the ambulation they needed to achieve optimal outcomes, the hospital revamped its mobility program, including creation of a designated mobility team.
RAND Urges More Patient Input in Hospital Rankings
Hospitals closely watch their rankings on sites like CMS’s Overall Hospital Quality Star Ratings System, available on Hospital Compare, because they can have significant impact on consumer choices and even reimbursement levels.
Q&A: Joint Commission Focuses on Dialysis
Jennifer Cowel, RN, MHSA, is president of Patton Healthcare Consulting in Naperville, Illinois, and Kathleen Good, MSN, RN, is an associate of the company. They are both Joint Commission alumni and spoke with PSMJ about maintaining a safe dialysis program.
IHI Launches Maternal Care Improvement Project
Supported by a grant from Merck for Mothers, the project’s goals are to spread the use of evidence-based care practices to reduce complications such as hemorrhaging, hypertension, and blood clots.
A Novel Approach to Hospital Efficiency
While recognizing the value of many traditional utilization management processes, including labor productivity, staffing ratios, bed type assignments, throughput initiatives, and supply chain management, the team’s goal was to find new opportunities for improved resource management in bedside care delivery.
5 Ways Nurses Can Improve Patient Mobility
To ensure patients were getting the ambulation they needed to achieve optimal outcomes, the hospital revamped its mobility program, including creation of a designated mobility team.
CMS Reverses Plan to Cut Reporting of HAIs
A new rule, published last week, restores reporting of data through the Inpatient Quality Reporting Program, including infection rates of Clostridium difficile, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and post-surgery sepsis.