Language Access: Meeting Patient Needs While Increasing Compliance and Improving Outcomes
As we grapple with how to accommodate the needs of limited English proficient patients, as well as patients who are deaf or hard of hearing, it’s important to consider why prioritizing patient language access is so important and how to do this consistently across a healthcare facility or health system.
Annual Industry Survey: Dealing With Staff Burnout
Asked to rate their organization’s strategies to deal with staff burnout, just under 40% of respondents to the 2019 Patient Safety & Quality Healthcare Industry Outlook Survey said that their organization is slightly effective at addressing the problem.
Your Nurses Can Fix Your Hospital
Nurses can improve quality and outcomes, enhance an organization’s culture, and build relationships with patients, colleagues, and the community—yet to do so, healthcare leadership needs to see them as more than just a cost center.
How the Perioperative Surgical Home Can Save Money and Improve Outcomes in Outpatient ORs
First introduced around 2012, the PSH model is a patient-centered, team- and evidence-based effort targeted at improving outcomes and lowering costs. Under the model, the anesthesiologists coordinate closely with nurses, surgeons, and other key players involved in surgical patient care.
Tomorrow’s Solutions to Today’s Challenges in Minimally Invasive Surgery
The achievements of minimally invasive technology and techniques have been fantastic, and in many ways, we have addressed the above needs. But ask any interventionalist, and you will quickly learn that there are still pain points—limitations—preventing minimally invasive surgery from realizing its full benefits.
Industry Focus—Culture of Safety: Just Culture…It’s Much More Than an Algorithm
In a high-reliability culture, a paradigm exists that simply states that it is not realistic to expect zero human error. Human error is ubiquitous; it is inevitable. As much as we dictate policy and guidelines, as much as we practice and train, humans will commit errors; it is a constant.
Clinician Visits at SNFs Linked to Readmission and Mortality Rates
The recent study, published in Health Affairs and LDI Research Brief, found clinician visits to hospital-discharged patients at SNFs were strongly associated with readmission and mortality rates.
More Than Manners: Involving Patients and Representatives in Care Decisions
Featured in this month’s PSQI Online Spotlight: Patient safety coaches explain how to involve patients in their care decisions.
In-Hospital Delirium Predictive of Readmission, Discharge to Postacute Facilities, ER Visits
The recent research in the Journal of Hospital Medicine featured data collected from more than 700 delirious patients and nearly 8,000 non-delirious patients. The researchers found delirious patients had increased odds for 30-day readmissions, ED visits, and discharge to postacute care facilities.
How Intermountain Reduced NICU Infections, Pain, Blood Loss
In 2008, Dixie Regional Medical Center in St. George, Utah, launched an initiative to reduce infections and other harms linked to invasive procedures in the Intermountain Healthcare facility’s NICU.