Learn Best Practices for Promoting Healthcare Worker Well-Being and Resilience
The summit is being hosted by The Ohio State University colleges of dentistry, medicine, nursing, optometry, pharmacy, public health, social work, and veterinary medicine, as well as The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and the National Academy of Medicine Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience.
The Right Approach for the Right Result
As our experience shows, standardizing PIVC insertion practices can help an organization achieve the Triple Aim by improving patient safety and satisfaction, while significantly decreasing hospital costs. More than five years after beginning this journey, we are sharing our experience as a road map for other facilities looking to improve their processes and quality of care for a procedure that impacts nearly every patient in the hospital.
Model Standards for Skilled Nursing Homes
The model presented herein admittedly constitutes a “respectable draft” only, setting out standards that push toward service excellence and focusing on the best interests of customers: the residents who’ve chosen a nursing facility to be their 24/7 care-based home for their remaining time in this world.
A Systems Approach to Person-Centered Healthcare: Lessons From End of Life
Much like the Institute of Medicine’s seminal report, To Err Is Human, which catalyzed healthcare around a systems approach to reducing preventable harm, the NQF report highlights actionable opportunities to scale efforts that have demonstrated the ability to improve quality, value, and safety.
New 4-Part Plan Proposed to Boost Clinician Wellness, Address Burnout
Burnout is one of the top challenges facing clinicians and other healthcare workers nationwide. In a report published last week by The Physicians Foundation, 30% of more than 2,300 physicians surveyed cited feelings of hopelessness or having no purpose due to changes in their practices related to the coronavirus pandemic. Research published in September 2018 indicates that nearly half of physicians across the country are experiencing burnout symptoms.
NQF Report Offers Guidance on Reporting Measurement Systems
Using feedback from patients, patient advocates, purchasers, public and private payers, clinicians, provider groups, measure developers and implementers, statisticians, and health services researchers, the group looked at how standard measures used in healthcare assessment can be combined in a system to improve health outcomes and drive high-value care.
Commitment to Continuous Improvement Contributes to Top Report Card
As a testament to Kettering Health Network’s performance, all of its eligible hospitals have earned A’s from The Leapfrog Group in its rating of how well healthcare facilities protect patients from preventable medical errors, injuries, and infections.
Self-Assessment Tool Helps Physicians Make ‘Preemptive Strike on Burnout’
The Personal Health Inventory self-assessment for healthcare workers has been adapted from what clinicians are trained to do with patients who have chronic disease to have the patients focus on their self-care and lifestyle for the management of their chronic illnesses.
Designing Reliability Into Evidence-Based Practice
On the sound foundation of evidence-based practice, healthcare providers rely on the most current and credible evidence to guide decisions; make diagnostic recommendations based on test results; prescribe effective medications; determine optimal care plans; and apply the best and safest practices for all manner of diseases and illnesses. However, EBP fidelity houses a set of glitches in an otherwise sound approach to qualitative practice.
PSQH: The Podcast Episode 9 – Using Care Coordination to Improve Quality
On episode 9 of PSQH: The Podcast, host Jay Kumar talks to Chris Klomp, CEO of Collective Medical, about care coordination and quality improvement.