UnitedHealthcare Boosts Efforts to Address Social Determinants of Health
A landmark 2016 study published by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that socioeconomic factors, health behaviors, and the physical environment account for determining more than 80% of health outcomes, with clinical care accounting for only 16% of health outcomes.
MemorialCare Making Great Strides in Reducing Patient Harm
Patient safety has been a pressing issue in healthcare since 1999, with the publication of the landmark report To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System. Despite two decades of attention, estimates of annual patient deaths due to medical errors have risen steadily to as many as 440,000 lives, a figure that was reported in the Journal of Patient Safety in 2013.
I-PASS Reaches Major Milestones
I-PASS has developed methods for improving communication during transitions—and the I-PASS Institute has just celebrated its fifth year using its process. Partnering with more than 100 U.S. hospitals, the I-PASS Institute and the I-PASS Study Group have seen significant successes over the past decade.
Health Equity Top Priority for Leader of Institute for Healthcare Improvement
After graduating from Brown, Mate worked at Boston-based Partners in Health. He also worked at the World Health Organization and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Prior to being elevated to president and CEO at IHI, he was the organization’s chief innovation and education officer. He recently told HealthLeaders that he was inspired to pursue a career in medicine while working for Partners in Health with HIV/AIDS patients in Haiti and drug-resistant tuberculosis patients in Peru.
How to Address Health Equity Issues in a Proactive Manner
Leveraging SDoH for VBC requires proper measurement and interpretation of available SDoH data. It is a complex problem due to the variety of structured/semi-structured/unstructured data sets coming from multiple sources, the lack of standardization in data collection and processing, as well as the need to capture a very large number of demographic, environmental, and socioeconomic metrics not yet measured today.
Value-Based Healthcare: How It Expanded During COVID-19
Preexisting conditions became newly challenging during the pandemic, as chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension risked being untreated. Many patients fell behind on care, avoiding doctor visits and hospital stays out of concern of COVID-19 exposure—which added significant risks to those with preexisting conditions.
Physician Group Capitalizing on Care Coordination and Patient Outreach
Kingsport, Tennessee–based Holston Medical Group has developed a robust care coordination and patient outreach program combined with data analytics to target individual patients. The physician group operates 50 clinics in eastern Tennessee and southwestern Virginia.
Analytics and Hospital Pharmacies: Building a Successful Program
There’s value to be found in the data related to hospital pharmacies, as well, but unlocking actionable analytics and insights from metrics reporting requires the right viewpoints and skill sets. Global medical technology company BD recently hosted a panel discussion inviting key pharmacy leaders and experts to talk about how analytics have impacted high-performing hospital pharmacy programs.
PSQH: The Podcast Episode 32 – How to Transform the Patient-Physician Journey
On episode 32 of PSQH: The Podcast, Dr. Barry Chaiken, clinical lead for Tableau, talks about how information technology can help solve healthcare’s biggest problems.
Making Smart IV Pumps Smarter: Steps to Increase IV Infusion Safety
Despite their ubiquity, smart pumps continue to exhibit design flaws that contribute to patient safety risks. Commonly reported problems with smart pumps include software bugs and errors, human factors (e.g., errors related to user interface issues), broken components, battery failure, alarm failure, and over- or under-infusion.