Better Quality Through Better Scheduling

A recent report from KLAS called “Patient Perspectives on Patient Engagement Technology 2022” talks about patient, provider, and vendor alignment on patient engagement technology and which of these technologies are most desirable for the patient. Rising to the top of that list are tools that help patients schedule, register for, or check in to an appointment; refill prescriptions; communicate with a physician’s office before a visit; and find a doctor.

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What Makes a Healthcare Organization ‘Future Ready’?

How are organizations preparing for the future, and is the industry ready to leverage its technology, skill, and leadership for what lies ahead? We discussed this with James Domine, chief technology for Avail Medsystems, which provides solutions to connect procedural healthcare professionals regardless of their location through audio, video, and other software.

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Shared Decision-Making Comes Into Its Own

Providers, payers, and pharmaceutical manufacturers consequently must consider and incorporate shared decision-making opportunities and mechanisms when developing therapeutic pathways, differentiated treatment options, and reimbursement strategies.

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Addressing the Challenge of IV Dislodgement

IV dislodgements happen on a daily basis, so common that everyone in the hospital environment is aware of them. Whether it’s a caregiver tripping over tubing or a patient rolling over in their sleep, these incidents are understandable. But because they’re so universal, IV dislodgements cost the U.S. healthcare system as much as $2 billion annually.

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Six Strategies to Reduce Patient Discharge and Care Transition Risk

Four in 10 hospitals have struggled to appropriately discharge patients due to staffing shortages. Moreover, 86% of hospitals say COVID-19 has made it harder to secure placement for discharged patients. With the lack of postacute care staffing, health systems are under pressure to extend the length of hospital stays—making the cost of care dramatically more expensive.

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Rethinking Medical Data Analysis

The pandemic has rendered many established healthcare processes and workflows inefficient. To fix the inefficiencies rapidly, many providers have had to speed up their digital transformation efforts by as much as 74%. The changes have powered a meaningful shift in the role of analytics in healthcare.

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Skin Tears Can be Problematic, but Preventable With the Right Care

Fragile skin of the elderly may be more susceptible to tearing depending on medication, comorbidities, and other factors, but care providers can take steps to manage skin tears and implement prevention strategies. A 2020 study published in the Journal of Wound Care found a skin tear prevalence of 20.8% among 380 long-term care residents, and an incidence of 18.9% within four weeks.

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How to Provide Quality Care in High-Risk Pregnancies

A national study of women aged 18 to 44 showed that complicated pregnancies are growing more prevalent in the United States—they rose by 16.4% from 2014 to 2018. The same study, which looked at 1.8 million pregnancies, revealed that childbirth complications increased by about 14% from 2014 to 2018.

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