Will This Summer Be Telehealth’s Last Stand?
But the six-month extension isn’t making things any easier for healthcare execs looking to plot long-term strategies. And while supporters are taking heart in the fact that Congress has consistently kept these programs in view, they also know that the cycle of kicking the can down the road has to end.
Improving the Call Center Interaction Experience for Patients
It’s a common thread in modern medicine: patients struggle to get care they need in a timely manner because they can’t reach their physicians. As we look for ways to improve communication between patient and provider, is there room for automation to pave the path between the two?
PSQH: The Podcast Episode 124 – Patient Expectations for 2025
On episode 124 of PSQH: The Podcast, Hari Prasad, CEO of Yosi Health, talks about patient expectations for 2025.
4 Keys to a Sustainable and Scalable Telehealth Platform
In describing their strategies and challenges, Higginson and Hunter outlined four considerations that every healthcare leader should address when developing a business plan for virtual care that is both sustainable and scalable.
Implement RTLS in 2025 to Improve the Human Experience in Healthcare
By strategically implementing an advanced Real-Time Location System (RTLS) platform with real-time visibility on staff display boards, healthcare decision-makers can eliminate the manual, non-clinical tasks and enhance capabilities like staff locating for duress, asset management, infant protection, and more.
How Innovation Is Changing Length of Stay
New technologies like AI and concepts like remote patient monitoring and Hospital at Home are helping healthcare executives gain a better understanding of length of stay, and in turn they’re reducing costs and improving care management.
How To Ensure that Medical Teams Can Access Interpreters in Rare Languages
Failing to provide interpreters to patients who speak rare or indigenous languages can worsen health disparities, particularly for populations such as refugees and asylum-seekers. This only compounds the barriers many already face when accessing healthcare.
The Exec: Inova Health System Launches Ambitious Patient Care Initiative
Inova Health System has launched an ambitious initiative to transform how patients connect with the organization as well as establish care pathways for clinical conditions, according to John Moynihan, MD, president and chief of clinical enterprise at the health system.
Are Hospital at Home Programs Forgetting About the Patient?
Fueled by the promise of remote patient monitoring and the acute care at home (or Hospital at Home) strategy, healthcare leaders see the home as a better place than the hospital room for many patients to recover from treatment.
PSQH: The Podcast Episode 113 – Addressing Workforce Hurdles and Improving Patient Care
On episode 113 of PSQH: The Podcast, Michael Charlton, CEO of AtlantiCare, and Helene Burns, Chief Nurse Executive at AtlantiCare, talk about how addressing workforce hurdles can improve patient care.