The American Hospital Association Continues its Endorsement of Versus RTLS for Patient Flow
Protect Mothers and Babies from Unnecessary Harm
Washington, D.C., January 26, 2011—Virginia Business Coalition on Health joins the employer-driven hospital quality watchdog, The Leapfrog Group, in issuing a Call to Action in response to new data finding that thousands of babies are electively scheduled for delivery too early, resulting in a higher likelihood of death, being admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), and life-long health problems.
Membership Now Open for the First and Only Individual Membership Program for Patient Safety Field
Ohio Business, Healthcare Leaders’ Collaboration to Improve Patient Safety Results in Estimated Annual Savings of Nearly $13 Million
A unique collaborative effort among business leaders and healthcare providers to make Ohio the safest place in the nation for healthcare has led to more than $12.8 million in healthcare savings, more than 900 fewer patient days spent in the hospital and nearly 3,600 fewer adverse drug events and infections in children.
2010 John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Award Recipients Announced
National Patient Safety Foundation Creates First Professional Society and Certification Program for Patient Safety
Agfa HealthCare’s DR and CR Solutions Provide Tools to Help Manage Patient Safety
Safety and Savings in Las Vegas: Nurses Have Decision Support at UMC
Safety and Savings in Las Vegas: Nurses Have Decision Support at UMC
As one of the country’s fastest-growing cities in the early 21st century, Las Vegas, Nevada, has had to shoulder all the demographic challenges that distinction entails. Through it all, University Medical Center (UMC) has steadfastly maintained its role as the safety net for the sickest and neediest patients in this metro area of nearly two million people.
Integrated Quality Measures Improve Patient Safety & Care
Integrated Quality Measures Improve Patient Safety & Care
In 2008, the Piedmont Clinic welcomed a new CEO who has led the clinic leadership in its development and adoption of a clinical integration model that blends clinical and financial integration. As part of this process much discussion revolved around the best way to track and use data to create integration.
Addressing Institutional Conflict of Interest to Promote Patient Safety
Addressing Institutional Conflict of Interest to Promote Patient Safety
Studies show that 67% of academic departments have financial relationships with industry (Campbell, 2007b). The Institute of Medicine has warned that academic institutions lack independent review, with resulting tolerance of conflicts due to financial gains, which may pose serious barriers to addressing the issue (IOM, 2009).