Safer PCA Therapy
Safer PCA Therapy
Patient Safety Benefits of Continuous Respiratory Rate and End Tidal Monitoring
The following interviews were adapted from a November 12, 2010, webcast, “Safer PCA Therapy,” that explored the application of continuous monitoring for patients receiving opioids, most typically using patient-controlled analgesia (PCA).
ISMP: Root Causes: A Roadmap to Action
Root Causes: A Roadmap to Action
Problem: After receiving a report of a medication error that reached a 4-year-old child, we were once again reminded that errors are almost never caused by the failure of a single element in the system.
ARQH: What Is Your Organization’s Patient Safety Culture?
What Is Your Organization’s Patient Safety Culture?
Ask any frontline clinician or healthcare support staff if they can identify the components that make up a “culture of patient safety,” and you might get a vague answer in response. But ask those same health providers if they feel they can speak up to report patient safety concerns without fearing retribution, and you’re likely to get very specific responses.
Editor’s Notebook: New Resources for Patient Engagement
Editor’s Notebook
New Resources for Patient Engagement
It’s easy enough to say that patient engagement—the process of including patients as respected and equal partners by removing barriers to information and participation—is important.
Doctors Talk Openly about Medical Errors in When Healthcare Hurts
Health Language Signs Agreement with Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
ProCare Research Launches PRISM Patient Management System at American Academy of Pain Medicine Annual Meeting
Grand Rapids, Michigan, March 30, 2011—ProCare Research, LLC, a physician-led medical research organization focused on value-based approaches to healthcare with an emphasis on the relationship between quality and cost, is set to unveiled its PRISM Patient Management System at the American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM) 2011 Annual Meeting, March 24-27 in National Harbor, Maryland.