Safety and Savings in Las Vegas: Nurses Have Decision Support at UMC

Safety and Savings in Las Vegas: Nurses Have Decision Support at UMC

As one of the country’s fastest-growing cities in the early 21st century, Las Vegas, Nevada, has had to shoulder all the demographic challenges that distinction entails. Through it all, University Medical Center (UMC) has steadfastly maintained its role as the safety net for the sickest and neediest patients in this metro area of nearly two million people.

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Integrated Quality Measures Improve Patient Safety & Care

Integrated Quality Measures Improve Patient Safety & Care

In 2008, the Piedmont Clinic welcomed a new CEO who has led the clinic leadership in its development and adoption of a clinical integration model that blends clinical and financial integration. As part of this process much discussion revolved around the best way to track and use data to create integration.

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Addressing Institutional Conflict of Interest to Promote Patient Safety

Addressing Institutional Conflict of Interest to Promote Patient Safety

Studies show that 67% of academic departments have financial relationships with industry (Campbell, 2007b). The Institute of Medicine has warned that academic institutions lack independent review, with resulting tolerance of conflicts due to financial gains, which may pose serious barriers to addressing the issue (IOM, 2009).

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Fortify HIT Contracts with Education and Ethics to Protect Patient Safety, Say Informatics Experts

An original and progressive report on health information technology (HIT) vendors, their customers and patients, published online, makes ground-breaking recommendations for new practices that target the reduction or elimination of tensions that currently mar relationships between many HIT vendors and their customers, specifically with regard to indemnity and error management of HIT systems.

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New Service To Address CT Radiation Dose Safety

Keeping radiation dose in check is a top safety concern for today’s hospitals, particularly in computed tomography (CT), which has undergone some significant technological advances in the last ten years. The down side is that CT delivers some of the highest radiation doses in diagnostic radiology. 

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Study Confirms Passive Safety Devices Are Most Effective in Needlestick Injury Prevention

A landmark study of 22 million safety devices used in 61 French hospitals over a two-year period has confirmed the theory that passive, fully automatic safety devices offer significantly better protection against accidental needlestick injuries (NSIs) than early generation active safety technologies such as semi-automatic (push-button) devices or those with manually sliding shields or hinged caps.

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