UL and Value Capture team up to support healthcare leaders seeking lean transformation
Today UL, a world leader in advancing safety, goes to market with new healthcare advisory services in collaboration with Value Capture LLC. The services aim to guide healthcare executives seeking to transform the performance of their organizations with a unifying focus on safety and quality.
UCSF, Stanford Choose Doximity as Network for Medical Alumni
Radisphere Joins Clarity PSO to Advance Radiology Quality
Grades for Patient Safety: How Safe is Your Hospital?
Approximately 400 people die every day because of hospital errors – the equivalent of a jet crashing every day and killing all aboard. In response to this silent epidemic, more than 2,600 U.S. hospitals will now receive an A, B, C, D or F Hospital Safety Score based on patient safety via a first-of-its-kind initiative.
Sage Products Honored by WOCN for Support of Research Mission
Sage Products Inc. was honored by the Wound Ostomy and Continence Nurses (WOCN) Society at the opening of the WOCN’s 44th annual conference June 10 in Charlotte, N.C., for its longtime support of the organization’s research mission. Sage Vice President of Marketing Terry Boersma accepted the award on behalf of the company.
Health 2.0 and ONC Announce Winner of $25,000 Challenge for Adverse Event Reporting
Health 2.0 and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) have announced the winner of the Investing in Innovation initiative’s (i2) Reporting Device Adverse Events Challenge.
Do No Harm 2.0
As I prepare each year for the National Patient Safety Foundation’s (NPSF) Patient Safety Congress, I look forward to the panel discussion that features members of the Lucian Leape Institute (LLI) discussing a current topic in a “town hall” format. The Congress was held last week (May 23–25) at the National Harbor complex near Washington, DC.
AAMI Institute Launches Infusion Safety Study with Grant from CareFusion Foundation
The Healthcare Technology Safety Institute (HTSI)—part of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) Foundation—has been awarded a $328,660 grant by the CareFusion Foundation to fund a three-year national study on key issues surrounding the administration of intravenous (IV) medication using smart pumps. The goal of this first-ever study, to be coordinated by Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, is to evaluate the types of errors that may occur when using smart pumps to administer IV medications, and what can be done about them.
UHC and Datix Collaborate to Improve Quality in U.S. Hospitals through New Patient Safety Software
UHC, an alliance of 116 academic medical centers with 264 affiliated hospitals in the U.S., and Datix, a U.K.-based provider of patient safety technology solutions, today announced a strategic collaboration to deliver new patient safety software and improve quality in U.S. hospitals.
B. Braun Brings Advancements in Safety and Education to APIC
B. Braun Medical Inc. will be attending APIC 2012 from June 4 through 6 in San Antonio, Texas displaying a range of safety-engineered devices designed to advance protection from infection in the healthcare setting for both patients and healthcare workers. The company’s new Introcan Safety® 3 Closed IV Catheter will be in the spotlight, directly addressing issues pertaining to exposure to blood borne pathogens and catheter related complications.