Doctors Earn Incentive Payments with Pulse PQRS Qualified Registry
AHRQ Patient Safety Project Reduces Bloodstream Infections by 40%
A unique nationwide patient safety project funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) reduced the rate of central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) in intensive care units by 40 percent, according to the agency’s preliminary findings of the largest national effort to combat CLABSIs to date.
Costs of Care Essay Contest
An organization called Costs of Care is holding its third annual essay contest to draw attention to the financial impact of medical decision-making on individual patients.
Surgeons Devise Patient Safety Plan to Decrease Complications
Postoperative complications are the most significant independent risk factor leading to 30-day hospital readmissions among general surgery patients, according to a new exploratory study published in the September issue of the Journal of the American College of Surgeons.
Covidien Expands Offerings on Patient and Caregiver Education Website
Covidien, a leading global provider of healthcare products, has updated its web-based patient and caregiver education resource to offer valuable information in four new clinical categories. The website,, provides resources for addressing common care needs in acute, non-acute and homecare settings.
Johns Hopkin’s Armstrong Institute Receives Patient Safety Grant
Johns Hopkins’ Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality has received an $8.9 million grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the first award given as part of an ambitious new $500 million, 10-year program designed to eliminate all preventable harms that patients experience in the hospital.
CRICO Strategies Reports on Malpractice Errors to Enhance Patient Safety
Emergency Medicine Malpractice allegations were cited in about four of every 100,000 Emergency Department (ED) visits in a recent study of more than 90 hospitals across the country by CRICO Strategies. Missed and delayed diagnoses—stemming from vulnerabilities throughout the process of care in the ED—were the most prevalent allegation, cited in 47 percent of the 1,304 cases that made up the study.
Real Healthcare Reform
By Susan Carr
Although political discussion of healthcare reform in the United States today tends toward buzzwords and scare tactics, profound changes to healthcare delivery are currently underway. At the Quality Colloquium, which I’m attending this week, providers, executives, consultants, and consumers/patients are talking about transformative changes in the way care is delivered and in the definition of “healthcare” itself.