KBCore “Purple Button” Evaluation System Helps Meet ACA Reporting Requirements

As states continue to build health insurance exchanges (HIXs) for use by the Jan. 1, 2014, deadline set forth in the Affordable Care Act (ACA), there is another aspect of the ACA that has received little attention – the requirement that by Jan. 1, 2015, HIXs cannot contract with a hospital of 50 beds or more unless that hospital has a patient safety evaluation system and reports data to a patient safety organization (PSO).

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AmeriHealth New Jersey and Cooper University Health Care Partner to Transform Health Care in New Jersey

In a highly innovative move, unprecedented in New Jersey, a health insurer and a hospital system – AmeriHealth New Jersey and Cooper University Health Care – have announced that Cooper will acquire a 20 percent interest in AmeriHealth New Jersey. This venture intends to transform health care in the state by increasing quality and lowering costs through a more highly coordinated care model.

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AARP Report Reveals How Top Hospitals Fight Errors and How Patients Can Protect Themselves

Each year, more than 180,000 people die in U.S. hospitals from preventable accidents and errors. What’s more, an estimated one-third of hospital admissions result in harm to a patient. To call attention to these tragic realities, AARP The Magazine teamed up with the nonprofit organization The Leapfrog Group to highlight the innovative steps some hospitals are taking to protect the health of their patients.

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Tennessee Hospitals Take Aim at Medical Error with Aerial Aces

The Tennessee Center for Patient Safety(TCPS) will be partnering with LifeWings Partners, LLC in 2013 in its ongoing effort to make patient safety a priority across the state of Tennessee. The aim of this partnership will be to advance the adoption of TeamSTEPPS, a patient safety program built on the best practices from aviation to improve the reliability, safety and quality of care received by patients in Tennessee hospitals.

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