Patient Safety Predictions for 2025, Part 1
PSQH reached out to experts throughout healthcare to get their predictions for what will happen in patient safety and healthcare quality in 2025. We received so many predictions this time around that we’re breaking it up into two parts. Here’s Part 1 of what they had to say.
The Exec: How to Promote Innovation in the Hospital Setting
The new CMO of Boca Raton Regional Hospital has extensive experience in promoting innovation in the hospital setting. Innovation in healthcare goes beyond adoption of new technology, according to William Holubek.
Leapfrog Group Announces 2024 Top Hospitals and Top ASCs
The Leapfrog Group, a national watchdog organization of employers and other purchasers focused on healthcare safety and quality, on December 17 announced the 2024 recipients for their elite annual Top Hospital Award and Top Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Award.
IHI Forum: Dr. Fauci Reflects on the Challenges from a Distinguished Career
As he reflected on his work during the HIV/AIDS crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci urged attendees at the IHI Forum to continue the hard work of patient safety and healthcare quality despite the current environment of mistrust.
IHI Keynote Examines the Role of Social Capital in Healthcare
In their keynote address Tuesday at the 2024 IHI Forum, outgoing Institute for Healthcare Improvement CEO Kedar Mate, MD, and Thomas Lee, MD, chief medical officer of Press Ganey, discussed the importance of social capital in healthcare.
AI Tagged as the Top Tech Hazard of 2025
AI may be at the top of the hype cycle in healthcare, but its uncertain governance and potential for misuse are also making it the top technology hazard for 2025.
Six Strategies to be Insurable in Providing Psychedelic Treatments
While psychedelics can cause a user to see or hear things that do not exist or are distorted, some studies are focusing on reducing the length of the psychedelic experience or eliminating it altogether, while still preserving the therapeutic benefits for patients.
How to Reduce Sepsis Mortality at Hospitals and Health Systems
The Providence health system and a hospital that is part of the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System have made strides in reducing sepsis mortality.
How to Manage Parkinson’s Disease Patients in the Hospital Setting
CMOs and their care teams need to take steps to avoid preventable complication risks among Parkinson’s disease patients in the inpatient setting as part of their quality and patient care strategy, the lead author of a recently published journal article says.
Ohio State Study Confirms Value of Virtual Care in Suicide Prevention
In a randomized clinical trial of 96 patients between 2021 and 2023 with recent suicidal ideation or suicidal behavior, counselors using brief cognitive behavioral therapy via telehealth were able to cut suicide attempts by 41% compared to present-centered therapy.