Annual Industry Survey: The Challenges of Data Analytics

Judging by the responses to the 2018 Patient Safety & Quality Healthcare Industry Outlook Survey, organizations are still working on mastering the use of data. Asked how they would rate their use of data analytics to improve patient safety and change behavior, only 23% of respondents said they were highly effective.

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ISMP Survey Shows Provider Text Messaging Often Runs Afoul of Patient Safety

ISMP conducted this survey to gain insight into the practice of texting medical orders given the ongoing debate regarding its use. Technology-savvy healthcare professionals have embraced the convenience of this 21st century form of communication, while opponents feel it is too informal to properly document patient care. They also have concerns about data security and the potential impact on patient safety with texting medical orders.

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Ultrasound Guidance Improves Neuraxial Anesthesia Safety

The path to effective neuraxial anesthesia delivery has existed for decades—ultrasound visualization. But practical issues in implementation have intervened. As a result, even in today’s technological age, highly trained anesthesia providers continue to deliver neuraxial—and most prominently epidural—anesthesia wearing a virtual blindfold, using spinal palpation alone to determine the optimal site for injection.

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Study: Patient Care Improves When Docs Have Malpractice Immunity

Published in Health Management, Policy and Innovation, the study found there was no negative impact on patient safety when approximately 900 University of Miami Health System physicians were given sovereign immunity from medical malpractice claims while working at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami

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Study: Usability of EHRs May Contribute to Patient Harm

Researchers from the National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare in Washington, D.C., examined reports from the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority database collected from 2013 to 2016. The study analyzed 1.7 million reports of possible patient harm that explicitly named an EHR vendor or product.

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