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3 Ways You Can Empower Your Nurses

By Strategic Education, Inc. and Capella University In the field of nursing, self-empowerment is more than just a feel-good concept. While empowerment in other occupations can result in greater job satisfaction and a heightened sense of professional worth, in nursing it’s a different matter. For the nurses on your staff, it can be a matter … Continued

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Creating a Culture of Safety for Patients and Providers

By Karlene Kerfoot, PhD, MA, BSN; Chief Nursing Officer at symplr Ensuring patient and staff safety is crucial to the success of any healthcare organization, not just because of legal, regulatory, and reimbursement obligations, but because doing so is in the hospital’s best interest and it’s the right thing to do. Unsafe facilities are stressful … Continued

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Five Tips for Smooth Adoption of Safer Enteral Connectors

ENFit has been on the market for several years worldwide, and conversions to the ISO standard have been completed in the European Union, Australia, and New Zealand and are underway in Japan and Brazil. In the U.S., nearly half of the top 25 hospitals are now using ENFit, including leaders in patient-centric care such as Mayo Clinic, Sharp Memorial, Banner Healthcare, and Kaiser Permanente. However, the U.S. is lagging behind most other developed countries in adopting the safer connectors.

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Study Shows Racial Disparity in Hospital Patient Safety

The new report, which was conducted by researchers at the Urban Institute with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, examines 2017 hospital discharge data from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Cost and Utilization Project. The researchers also used AHRQ software to focus on 11 patient safety indicators.

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Solving Fragmented Behavioral Healthcare With Data

While funding is no doubt a critical part of the solution, fragmented care remains a major stumbling block when connecting people with behavioral health services. Through her organization, Dr. Nishi Rawat is seeking to create greater transparency between behavioral health and medical care providers to address the fragmentation in data and care.

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Patient Safety Awareness Week Resources From PSQH

Patient Safety Awareness Week is coming to a close, but the focus on patient safety and healthcare quality will continue on as always. Thanks to all the dedicated professionals who work in healthcare organizations to provide top-notch care during these trying times. Thanks to our partners this week for their support: Vocera; GOJO, the makers of Purell; symplr; Riskonnect; and Jefferson College of Population Health.

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Barriers to Incident Reporting in Healthcare

By symplr To understand and improve any system, we must look at its successes and failures. When it’s life and death, healing or inadvertently injuring patients, the stakes could not be higher. Our healthcare providers and staff undertake complex work under pressure of time constraints, and in environments where priorities shift. These individuals must adhere … Continued

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