PSQH Connect Sponsored Content

Current State of Healthcare Compliance Programs: 2021 Benchmark Survey Results

By SAI Global This report provides results from our 12th annual Healthcare Compliance Benchmark Survey, conducted by SAI Global in collaboration with Strategic Management Services, LLC. Richard P. Kusserow, former DHHS Inspector General, provided the analysis of the results. The survey’s objective was to understand the status and progress of compliance program development in the U.S. healthcare industry.  The … Continued

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Targeted Genetic Sequencing: Changing the Way We Think About Chronic Disease

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that six in 10 adults in the U.S. have a chronic health condition such as heart disease, lung disease, cancer, diabetes, or Alzheimer’s, while four in 10 have two or more chronic diseases. And Americans with five or more chronic conditions, who make up 12% of the population, account for an astounding 41% of total healthcare spending. That’s nearly $1.6 billion each year.

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Wellness and Awareness: A Look at the State of Health in 2021

Sanjay Gupta, chief medical correspondent with CNN and a practicing neurosurgeon, spoke with attendees at the recent Health Experience Design Conference 2021 to talk about his observations as a correspondent, his takeaways from the COVID-19 pandemic, and his views on where we go from here.

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PSQH Connect Sponsored Content

Effective Communication: Foundation for Nurse Safety

By Vocera Communications Over the past year, as we’ve all seen how nurses impact the health and healing of our world, we’ve also seen them embrace the mantra “Never Again” and leave the profession at unprecedented rate. The need for change is clear. We must heed the call from all corners to listen to, support, … Continued

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National Nurses Week Resources From PSQH

As National Nurses Week wraps up, we want to salute the valuable and courageous work done by nurses at all levels of care. We highlighted the efforts of nurses this week and will continue to do so.

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The Moments in Between: Monitoring Patients in Transit

A study on transporting intensive care patients found that out of 262 transports, 26% had an adverse event—many of which were serious, including oxygen desaturation or hemodynamic instability. How can clinicians work to avoid these situations? And how can organizations leverage the electronic medical record (EMR) to analyze how and when they happen?

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