The Exec: Inova Health System Launches Ambitious Patient Care Initiative
Inova Health System has launched an ambitious initiative to transform how patients connect with the organization as well as establish care pathways for clinical conditions, according to John Moynihan, MD, president and chief of clinical enterprise at the health system.
Becoming Better Listeners to Improve Remote Patient Monitoring
Patients and providers are more and more comfortable with devices for monitoring as well. We see patients using devices to track their blood glucose levels, blood pressure cuffs are getting smaller and smaller, and many people wear a watch that will tell you if you’re experiencing atrial fibrillation.
Why Your AI Should Be Talking to Patients You Don’t See
WellSpan Health launched an AI platform roughly one month ago that calls selected at-risk patients to schedule colorectal cancer screenings. The AI agent, called Ana and developed by digital health startup Hippocratic AI, asks patients if they would agree to take the test and, if they agree, arranges to mail a testing kit to their homes.
Bad Medicine: Healthcare Struggles With Poor Technology
The study, the third in Black Book’s “What’s Hot and What’s Not in Healthcare IT Investments” series, finds that bad IT investments have jumped significantly since 2017, when those costs were estimated at $1.7 billion, and budget limitations are keeping healthcare leaders from correcting those problems.
The Effectiveness and Cost-Savings of Addressing SDoH
In 2024, CMS is also introducing two new inpatient quality reporting measures: SDoH screening and the positive rate for SDoH screening to assess how many patients aged 18 and older were screened for the required social risk drivers.
Are Hospital at Home Programs Forgetting About the Patient?
Fueled by the promise of remote patient monitoring and the acute care at home (or Hospital at Home) strategy, healthcare leaders see the home as a better place than the hospital room for many patients to recover from treatment.
PSQH: The Podcast Episode 113 – Addressing Workforce Hurdles and Improving Patient Care
On episode 113 of PSQH: The Podcast, Michael Charlton, CEO of AtlantiCare, and Helene Burns, Chief Nurse Executive at AtlantiCare, talk about how addressing workforce hurdles can improve patient care.
Mobile: Healthcare’s New Access-to-Care Differentiator
The opportunity to improve access to care via mobile is significant but only if consumer experiences meet expectations and drive adoption and reuse.
Predictive AI Helps Providers Plan Patient Care
At West Tennessee Healthcare, executives say they’ve saved more than $5 million over the past year by using an AI platform from Xsolis to review patient data, enabling them to predict when a patient will be discharged and communicate with payers on authorizations and any denials.
Leveraging Call Centers for Better Patient Care
Organizations can take advantage of patient/member interactions to drive better results by taking care of important but routine additional interactions, notes Patty Hayward, GM of healthcare and life sciences with Talkdesk.