Probation, Not Jail Time, for Former Nurse RaDonda Vaught
Under Tennessee’s sentencing guidelines, Vaught could have been ordered to serve three to six years in prison for neglect and one to two years for negligent homicide. Instead, Vaught received a diverted sentence, which means that if she successfully completes her probation, the charges will be expunged from the record.
National Nurses Week Resources From PSQH
As National Nurses Week wraps up, we want to salute the valuable and courageous work done by nurses at all levels of care. We highlighted the efforts of nurses this week and will continue to do so.
PSQH Quick Poll 2022: Taking the Pulse of Nursing’s Impact on Patient Safety
As part of National Nurses Week, PSQH reached out to our readers with a few questions about how nursing impacts patient safety and healthcare quality. The Quick Poll had a total of 212 respondents.
PSQH: The Podcast Episode 53 – Making Sense of the Vaught Verdict
On episode 53 of PSQH: The Podcast, Crystal Glover, education consultant and professional development practitioner at Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center, talks about how nurses are reacting to the RaDonda Vaught verdict and what it will mean for nursing in the future. This episode is presented by Capella University as part of National Nurses Week.
Nurse Staffing Think Tank Develops Toolkit to Address Staffing Crisis
The Nurse Staffing Think Tank, a diverse group of nursing leaders, frontline nurses, CEOs, chief financial officers, human resources executives, and patient safety representatives, identified six priority areas that need urgent action.
New York Grants Full Practice Authority to State’s Nurse Practitioners
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signed the state budget into law on Saturday, that includes legislation that eliminates the requirement for NPs to have a written practice agreement with a physician and allows them to provide the full scope of services they are educated and clinically trained to provide.
Why Nurses Are Raging and Quitting After the RaDonda Vaught Verdict
In the wake of Vaught’s trial ― an extremely rare case of a healthcare worker being criminally prosecuted for a medical error ― nurses and nursing organizations have condemned the verdict through tens of thousands of social media posts, shares, comments, and videos. They warn that the fallout will ripple through their profession, demoralizing and depleting the ranks of nurses already stretched thin by the pandemic. Ultimately, they say, it will worsen healthcare for all.
Training Future Nurses With Future Doctors Boosts Teamwork and Collaboration
The program, based at NYU Langone Hospital-Long Island, is an example of interprofessional education (IPE), designed to develop effective working relationships between different types of healthcare students and practitioners to support health outcomes.
Welcome to the Nurse Executive’s COVID-19 World: Staffing Shortages, Stress, and a Struggle for Support
Nearly 75% of hospital and 64% of health system-based chief nurse executives (CNEs) are “stressed, dissatisfied, or intend to leave their role,” with staffing as the top challenge as CNEs lead their nurses through the interminable COVID-19 pandemic, reveals a unique recent study by HealthLeaders Exchange.
RNs are Leaving Direct Care at Highly Elevated Rates
While staffing shortages aren’t a new concern for healthcare executives, it took the No. 1 spot last year as the top issue that hospital CEOs faced in 2021, according to The American College of Healthcare Executives’ (ACHE) annual survey.