Improving IV Catheter Care
Improving IV Catheter Care to Safeguard against Deadly Infections
As recently reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC; 2010), the incidence of bloodstream infections associated with central venous catheters (central lines) has dropped 18%.
Risk of Post-surgical Staph Infection May Depend on Procedure
Study Finds Lapses in Infection Control Practices at Ambulatory Surgical Centers
IV Needleless Connector Design Can Help Prevent CR-BSI, Says Nursing Journal
Ingenix, Health Language, Inc. Announce Collaboration to Make ICD-10 Transition More Efficient for Health Care Organizations
Global Code Manager, a solution that translates between the ICD-9 and
ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and
Related Health Problems 10th Revision) medical coding systems – a
capability that will help health care organizations implement ICD-10 by
October 1, 2013, as required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS).
Studies Show Significant Increases of C. Difficile Infections (CDI)
Clostridium difficile infections (CDIs) are quickly becoming a
significant issue in healthcare based upon recent studies. Preliminary
data collected from nursing homes and highlighted in a Supplementary
Pennsylvania Patient Safety Advisory shows that almost 40 percent of
gastrointestinal infections reported are CDIs.
AHRQ: Preventing Healthcare-Associated Infections
Initiating Promising Solutions and Expanding Proven Ones
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are on everyone’s hit list, as they should be, because no patient should get sicker from a preventable infection they pick up in a hospital or other healthcare facility.
BioVigil Releases Second-Generation Hand Hygiene Monitoring System
BioVigil LLC has released the second generation of the BioVigil hand
hygiene monitoring system. The innovative system enables hospitals to
more effectively combat Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs) by
dramatically increasing hand hygiene compliance among healthcare
Housekeepers, Transporters May ‘Inadvertently’ Spread Hospital Infection
One cause of the rampant international hospital-infection epidemic may
be the “inadvertent exposure” of hospital housekeepers and transporters
to antibiotic-resistant “Superbugs” such as MRSA, saysTeleTracking
Technologies CEO Anthony Sanzo.
Patient Safety Authority Analysis Reveals High Number of Dosing Errors with Insulin Products
Analysis of data related to insulin medication errors and a local
hospital’s success in reducing hospital readmission costs are
highlighted in quarterly journal.