Discharged Patient Found Dead in Hospital Bathroom
Police said the 60-year-old man, whose name was not released, died on June 21 at the hospital. Hospital officials initially treated the incident as an internal matter and did not contact police until 9:45 a.m. the following day, Mlive.com reported.
NELP Report: OSHA Enforcement Has Steadily Declined Under Trump
A new National Employment Law Project report that showed that the number of OSHA inspectors continues to steadily fall under the Trump Administration, thus leading to a decline in OSHA enforcement overall.
Strategies That Support Effective and Cohesive Wayfinding
With the increased importance placed on patient satisfaction, effective wayfinding has become even more central to supporting care. While signage is an essential part of wayfinding—that spatial art and science of guiding healthcare visitors to their destination—it’s but one of many tactics that form a part of an effective wayfinding strategy.
SF Hospital Discovers Second Body in Hallway
The second body was found in a hallway last Monday, June 4, at 6 a.m., according to NBC Bay Area, which reported that the woman was in her 40s and being held on an involuntary 72-hour psychiatric evaluation hold. The report said the woman was being treated on a bed in a hallway, but it was unclear whether staff had checked on her between 2 and 6 a.m.
Planning for Active Shooters in Your Hospital
When people think of workplace violence in healthcare, they tend to think of loud verbal threats or fighting between patients and providers. However, no discussion on this topic is complete without taking into account gun violence.
Dead Woman Found in Stairway of SF Hospital Building
The Los Angeles Times reported that a hospital staff member discovered the body at about 1 p.m. last Wednesday. Hospital officials said the woman was Ruby Anderson, 76, a dementia patient who went missing from a nearby mental health facility on May 20.
New NFPA Standard Focuses on Responding to Active-Shooter Incidents
Designed as a roadmap for the multidisciplinary response needed in the aftermath of an active-shooter incident, there is a separate chapter for “Hospital Preparedness and Response for Out-of-Hospital ASHER Incidents.” The chapter outlines minimum expectations for hospitals in preparing for, reacting to, and receiving patients from an active-shooter event in the area.
Report: American Hospitals Show Improved Emergency Preparedness
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) this week released the 2018 National Health Security Preparedness Index, which found that the U.S. scored a 7.1 out of 10 for preparedness, up 3% over the last year and almost 11% since the Index was begun in 2013.
Q&A: Active Shooter Response and Prevention
This Q&A was taken from the ASHE webinar, “Active Shooter – Best Practices for the Worst Case,” with speakers Kevin M. Tuohey, executive director for research compliance at Boston University & Boston Medical Center; Constance Packard, CHPA, executive director, support services for Boston Medical Center/Boston University Medical Campus; and Thomas Smith, CHPA, CPP, owner of Healthcare Security Consultants, Inc.
Case Study: Five Steps from Sentara Health for Room Cleaning
Facilities still struggle with infection control, whether it’s hospital floors, fungi on doorknobs, or Legionella in the pipes.