Wildfire and Smoke: Sharp HealthCare’s Fire Plans
In 2007, San Diego County had a huge wildfire that forced several hospitals, nursing homes, and behavioral health hospitals to evacuate. Sharp HealthCare was one of the hospital systems to take in some of those patients. And the area suffered from a devastating wildfire in 2003, known as the Cedar Fire.
Joint Commission’s New Emergency Management Checklist
The Joint Commission published a new Emergency Management Health Care Environment Checklist on its website, which helps healthcare organizations that are reopening their facilities after a disaster.
Final Hazardous Waste Pharmaceutical Rule Issued by EPA
Three years after it was proposed, the final rule, now entitled “Management Standards for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals and Amendment to the P0875 Listing for Nicotine” will likely be published in the Federal Register by the end of this month and go into effect six months after its publication in the Register.
Brace Yourself, Winter is Coming
Most areas, and hospital facilities, are ready for the typical snowstorm. But are you ready for a truly bad snowstorm that can leave a region crippled for days, or even weeks at a time?
Hazardous Pharmaceuticals Management Rule May Be Imminent
If published, the rule joins other new standards and regulations targeting employee and patient safety during the use and handling of hazardous pharmaceuticals. It’s also expected to have significant impact on hospitals and other healthcare organizations.
Joint Commission Unveils New Emergency Management Checklist
The checklist aligns with the accreditor’s Emergency Management standards, covers both clinical and environmental issues, and addresses crucial post-disaster elements that need addressing before reopening.
Two Florida Hospitals Evacuate All Patients After Hurricane Damage
Bay Medical Sacred Heart in Panama City is evacuating more than 200 patients, while Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center in Panama City released a statement Thursday that it was evacuating about 130 patients.
Assaults Against ER Physicians and Staff Rising
In a survey conducted for the American College of Emergency Physicians, a majority of the 3,539 doctors polled said they had been the victims of workplace violence recently.
Alternatives to Lifting Patients
According to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) statistics, worker injuries from slips, trips, and falls are one of the agency’s biggest concerns, especially in hospitals. Injury and illness rates in healthcare, at 5.2 cases for every 100 workers, continue to be above the national average, which is 3.5 cases per 100.
Harris Health System vs. Hurricane Harvey
More than 400 employees from Harris Health had homes significantly damaged or destroyed in the flood. With so many workers impacted by the floodwaters, response and recovery after the storm meant helping staff members as well.