Consumer Reports Scores Hospitals on Safety
Grades for Patient Safety: How Safe is Your Hospital?
Approximately 400 people die every day because of hospital errors – the equivalent of a jet crashing every day and killing all aboard. In response to this silent epidemic, more than 2,600 U.S. hospitals will now receive an A, B, C, D or F Hospital Safety Score based on patient safety via a first-of-its-kind initiative.
Ecolab Healthcare Launces Encompass O.R. to Improve Hygiene
Clinical Alarm Management Environmental Assessment
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Announces New Program to Help Primary Care Practices
Princeton, New Jersey—At a time when a shortage of primary care providers is threatening the accessibility and quality of care in the country, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is teaming with the Group Health Research Institute on a new national program designed to identify creative practices that make primary care more efficient and effective.
Johns Hopkins Collaborates with Lockheed Martin to Build Next-Generation ICU
The Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality of Johns Hopkins Medicine is collaborating with the Lockheed Martin Corporation to create a safer and more efficient hospital intensive care unit (ICU) model. The two organizations will work to streamline complex and fragmented clinical systems and processes to reduce medical errors and improve the quality of care for critically ill patients.
Fall Prevention Showcase
Fall Prevention Showcase
What Goes Down—Shouldn’t
Between 2 and 15% of hospital patients in the United States experience falls. Nearly a third result in injuries and sometimes even death. Preventing falls in the acute environment is a constant battle against gravity and human behavior.
APIC and AHE Partner on “Clean Spaces, Healthy Patients” Initiative
Sept. 27, 2011—The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) and the Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE) are partnering to strengthen the relationship between infection prevention and environmental services. A joint educational campaign, entitled “Clean Spaces, Healthy Patients: Leaders in Infection Prevention and Environmental Services working together for better patient outcomes,” will incorporate educational resources, training materials, and other solutions to help IP and EVS professionals combat the spread of healthcare-associated infections.
New Treatment Model Targets Improved Patient Outcomes at Free Clinic
Aug. 19, 2011—The Jeanie Schmidt Free Clinic in Herndon, Virginia, has received a CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield grant to expand its Shared Medical Appointment program, a treatment model designed to increase clinic capacity, maximize staff and volunteer efficiency, and empower patients to engage in their own health care outcomes.