Strengthen Your Resolve: No Unlabeled Containers Anywhere, Ever!

Just when you think you’ve made significant headway with a persistent unsafe practice, an error creeps up, and disappointment sets in. The error serves to remind you just how vulnerable patients are to human error, and to expose the fact that strategies you may have thought were in place to prevent the error are either ineffective or not implemented in all areas of the organization.

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Update Clinical Communication Strategy, Not Just the BYOD Policy

Step into most healthcare facilities and you will notice that while community physicians are openly using their smartphones, employed clinicians are carrying voice-only phones, multiple pagers, or wearable voice-activated two-way communication devices provided by their employers. Hospitals report that 67% of nurses use their personal smartphones for clinical communications, while 89% of hospitals say they do not allow nurses to use them during their work shift (Spyglass Consulting Group, 2014).

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Curing the Ills of Hospital Design

Improving healthcare can start by curing hospitals themselves: The construction of the new Mercy Hospital Joplin comes amid a revolution in thinking about how buildings themselves can improve medicine.

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