How Automation Helped Weather the Pandemic and Beyond

The Steele Institute’s automation team focuses on delivering business processes that offer measurable benefits for partners, constant improvement, and a scalable platform that consistently decreases delivery times. There are plenty of hurdles when introducing a new technology, particularly one involving automation—and one of those hurdles is how to best utilize the technology.

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Tracking Trends in Infection Prevention and Antimicrobial Stewardship

We’ve reached a moment in time where many officials are rolling back mitigation efforts like masking, testing, and rules about gathering. The CDC has updated its guidance to measure community risk for COVID-19 through three primary metrics: new cases, new hospitalizations for COVID-19, and current hospital beds occupied by COVID-19 patients. These metrics underscore the importance of leveraging in-depth data to assemble a more detailed view of near-term risk that goes beyond case numbers.

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How COVID Impacted At-Home Care and Monitoring

Transitions of care went through a massive transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ensuring patients moved safely between environments while remaining in-network became more complex with the needs and challenges of a mid-pandemic world, and avoiding readmissions and patient leakage became paramount. How has the industry risen to these growing changes, and what lies before us as the world strives to find a post-pandemic reality?

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Hospitals Urge OSHA to Drop COVID-19 Rulemaking

The AHA voiced its opposition to establishing a permanent standard not aligned with evolving evidence-based guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The group suggested a permanent standard could create confusion, lower employee morale, and worsen healthcare staffing shortages.

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COVID-19 PHE is Renewed Through July 15

CMS continues to gradually end some emergency blanket waivers allowed under the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) for some providers, but for now the 1135 waivers remain intact for acute care and critical access hospitals. The current 90-day PHE declaration was renewed and posted online Wednesday, and is effective through July 15.

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