Q&A: PPE Success During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Where hospitals were once coached by safety professionals to ensure they had enough PPE stockpiled, they are now begging the U.S. government to share PPE from the stockpile. Once upon a time, workers were told to use their surgical masks only once. Today, those masks get put into a bag at the end of a shift and used the next day—and maybe the day after that.

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Lack of Evidence-Based Guidelines for COVID-19 in Pregnancy May Present a Risk of Compromised Care

Since the emergence of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in December 2019, public health authorities and professional societies have been scrambling to develop management guidelines for clinicians to utilize. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention distributed their first guidance in late January and have made continual revisions to date, with many professional societies following suit.

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How NYC Health + Hospitals Trained 20K Staffers to Combat COVID-19

In response to the immense clinical and operational challenges posed by the coronavirus outbreak, the organization recognized that it needed to recruit additional staff from around the country and adequately train them for the issues they’d be facing. To help bring the necessary talent on board, NYC H+H worked with private staffing firms and the Department of Defense on its recruiting efforts.

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