Are You Ready For OSHA’s Wave of New Rules?

OSHA is moving forward with several rulemakings, three of which are healthcare-specific, that could affect many employers. If you’re in the healthcare field, you could be facing a permanent COVID-19 standard based on the agency’s 2021 emergency temporary standard (ETS) and infectious disease and workplace violence standards.

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DNV Resumes All Annual Surveys Onsite and Unannounced

Noting that the AO said in January that it was likely to continue the remote annual surveys through at least April, DNV announced through an advisory March 23 that “COVID-19 positivity rates, hospitalizations, and community transmission have dropped significantly, making it much safer to return to onsite survey activities.”

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New Joint Commission ‘Quick Safety’ Advisory Addresses Intimate Partner Violence

The new advisory provides Joint Commission requirements and national recommendations to identify and help patients who have experienced intimate partner violence, which is “behavior by an intimate partner or ex-partner that causes physical, sexual, or psychological harm, including physical aggression, sexual coercion, psychological abuse, and controlling behaviors,” according to the World Health Organization.

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2020 Report to Congress: CMS Remains Critical of AO Performance

In a report to Congress released late Wednesday, CMS said it will continue putting pressure on AOs to do a better job of enforcing Medicare’s Conditions of Participation but is also fine-tuning the process of how it validates their performance. Concerns remained concentrated on AOs failures to find problems within the physical environment that were spotted by CMS’s state survey agencies during surveys to validate the AOs findings. Validation surveys are supposed to be conducted within 60 days of an AO’s triennial visit.

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CMS Releases its Final Guidance for Hospitals With Co-Located Services

While the memo has many of the same sections on contracted staff, emergency services and identification of shared spaces, much of the more prescriptive sections are either shortened or deleted. That includes guidance for surveyors to ask for floor plans to evaluate how patients are transported from one space to another and examples of when the use of floating nurses are in violation of CoP requirements.

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