The Joint Commission Releases 2018 Patient Safety Goals
The Joint Commission has released a list of its 2018 Ambulatory Health Care National Patient Safety Goals.
CMS: Providers Can Text, Just Not Medical Orders
CMS is clearing up recent confusion on what medical providers can text each other. The agency confirmed care team members are allowed to text patient information over a secure messaging app. However, texting medical orders is still verboten.
Infection Lapses Rampant in Nursing Homes But Punishment is Rare
Basic steps to prevent infections — such as washing hands, isolating contagious patients and keeping ill nurses and aides from coming to work — are routinely ignored in the nation’s nursing homes, endangering residents and spreading hazardous germs.
In Era of Increased Competition, Hospitals Fret Over Ratings
Hospitals take their ratings seriously, despite hospital industry experts’ skepticism about their scientific methodology and studies showing that scores may not have a huge influence on patient behavior.
Joint Commission Releases List of 2018 National Patient Safety Goals
The NPSGs cover eight different accreditation programs: ambulatory, behavioral care, critical access hospital, home care, hospital, laboratory services, nursing care center, and office-based surgery.
CMS Emergency Prep Rule Is Now Enforceable By Surveyors
Facilities have had over two years to prepare for this rule, and the agency has already said it won’t be accepting excuses for noncompliance.
Hospitals to Sue CMS Over 340B Drug Program Cuts
Despite opposition from many stakeholders, a bipartisan contingent of Congress, and CMS’ own advisory panel, the agency is moving forward with its plan to drastically cut payments for drugs acquired through the 340B drug discount program, according to the 2018 OPPS final rule, released November 1.
Treating Patients with Hearing, Vision, and LEP Issues
Communication issues are receiving increased scrutiny from patients and the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) – and your hospital could lose money if fined or sued based on such issues.
Saving Blood: The Relatively Simple Task of Blood Management
RBC transfusion have increased 134% between 1997 to 2011 to become the most frequently performed hospitals procedure in America. And while they are a vital tool for treating patients, they come with potential risks like allergic reactions, fever, and infection.
Missouri Hospital in ‘Immediate Jeopardy’ Fires 12 Workers, Installs Interim Leadership Team
Corrective steps being taken to protect patients and workers alike, hospital says