Mobile: Healthcare’s New Access-to-Care Differentiator
The opportunity to improve access to care via mobile is significant but only if consumer experiences meet expectations and drive adoption and reuse.
Leveraging Call Centers for Better Patient Care
Organizations can take advantage of patient/member interactions to drive better results by taking care of important but routine additional interactions, notes Patty Hayward, GM of healthcare and life sciences with Talkdesk.
Telling a Better Care Story with Health Risk Assessments
Unlock Health has designed its Substance Abuse HRA, an online health risk assessment, to enable behavioral health treatment centers, healthcare providers, and integrated health systems a way to accurately identify individuals at risk for SUD and engage with them early on to personalize treatment plans and provide better outcomes.
ABQAURP News August 2024
Here’s the August 2024 edition of ABQAURP News.
MetroHealth Achieves Interoperability Between Visitor Management and EMR Platforms for Secure, Real-Time Patient Visitor Monitoring
From the early planning stages of construction, MetroHealth leaders placed a high priority on the safety and security of their patients, visitors, and staff. Implementing a visitor management system was one way to enable this requirement.
What I Wish I Had Known
Safety in healthcare has undergone nothing short of a revolution. Having spent years navigating these complexities, I’ve learned a few things—often the hard way—that I would impart to my younger self, who created the safety program at Brigham and Women’s many years ago.
The Future of AI In Healthcare Is Not a Zero-Sum Game
The idea of “an AI arms race” between payers and providers toward a more efficient future is troubling in its own right. It adds to the perception of the future of artificial intelligence in healthcare as a zero-sum game, with health insurance companies on one side and clinicians on the other.
Five Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Risks
As regulatory bodies discuss what minimum cybersecurity requirements should be implemented, there are many actions hospitals and health systems can take to reduce exposure and limit liability proactively. Here are five of them.
Highlighting the Value of Care Coordination
As the shift to value-based care continues to accelerate, providers are looking for ways to streamline referrals, ensure alignment between primary care and specialists, and control network leakage.
Telehealth and Remote Monitoring: Shaping the Future of Patient Care
Few people fully understand or appreciate how telehealth defines the care landscape today. It’s even more unknown how telehealth will shape the future of healthcare. This article aims to put it all into perspective with an overview of the current state of telehealth, its benefits, and the technological innovations driving its growth.
Few people fully understand or appreciate how telehealth defines the care landscape today. It’s even more unknown how telehealth will shape the future of healthcare. This article aims to put it all into perspective with an overview of the current state of telehealth, its benefits, and the technological innovations driving its growth.