Improved Integration: Core to 2023 Successes
Now that 2022 has drawn to a close, it’s a good time to take stock and figure out what is on the horizon for 2023. Supply chain pressures, workforce shortages, and more have presented the healthcare industry with many challenges to overcome, and other financial and labor-related pressures continue to mount.
ABQAURP News: November 2022
ABQAURP is now accepting applications for the 2023 CHCQM Diplomate Achievement Award. To recognize the achievements of our extraordinary Diplomates, ABQAURP presents the CHCQM Diplomate Achievement Award bi-annually in conjunction with our Annual Health Care Quality & Patient Safety Conference.
Pain Relief vs. Addiction and Overdose: Four Steps to Maintain an Appropriate Equilibrium
Opioids have become a substance of concern due to their propensity to spark misuse and addiction. Tragically, the CDC estimates that there have been about 1 million drug overdose deaths since 1999, of which 82.3% involved a synthetic opioid.
Hospital Amoxicillin Supply Not Keeping Up With Surging Demand
Data from Vizient, a healthcare consultancy with supply chain services, showed a 43% surge in demand for amoxicillin products in the acute care setting from September to October 2022. In that same period, fill rates dropped by 25%. This data comes from purchases by Vizient members, which encompass more than 60% of the nation’s healthcare organizations.
Medication Adherence: Technology’s Role in Improving Outcomes
A lack of prescription adherence has cost the U.S. more than $524 billion a year due to morbidity and mortality, according to the PAN Foundation. Organizations must look for ways to remove barriers to adherence to ensure patients can access the prescriptions they need, including through the utilization of technology platforms.
New Handbook Tackles Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare
The Crisis Prevention Institute has published the Workplace Violence Prevention Handbook, a free resource detailing recommendations and strategies to help healthcare professionals across the board improve their organizations’ workplace violence prevention programming.
A Virtual Second Opinion Can Save Your Life
Your loved one is likely already receiving high-quality medical care for their condition. However, there may be times when you or your loved one desires a second opinion, like Dan. Perhaps your loved one has a condition that, despite treatment, isn’t improving or is getting worse; perhaps they have been diagnosed with a serious or rare health condition or have been told their condition is not treatable; perhaps they are facing treatment that involves significant risks, such as surgery or chemotherapy.
Can Ready-to-Administer Syringes Improve Patient Care, Reduce Medical Errors, and Support a Greener Environment?
As a replacement for the error-prone bedside act of drawing up medication from a glass vial, RTA syringe technology provides a prefilled polymer syringe that has a color-coded plunger, is prelabeled, and boasts an impressive shelf life. The time savings in providing busy clinicians with equipment requiring no preparation is self-evident.
Improving Patient Experience and Disparate Tech
Healthcare organizations and providers have made significant investments toward patient-oriented care in recent years. But with the adoption of many new technologies comes unintended results. While integrating patient engagement capabilities was a high priority for 55% of survey participants, 84% did not think any existing platform could easily achieve this.
Improving Access to Ultrasound at the Point of Care
With more user-friendly technology that leverages artificial intelligence (AI), caregivers across departments—from emergency care to cardiology to primary care—could use ultrasound to quickly diagnose and treat patients suffering from a plethora of conditions. In fact, they’d be able to use it wherever the point of care happens to be, whether that’s in a hospital, in a clinic, or at a patient’s home.