Using Synthetic Data to Improve Quality of Care
If there’s one thing healthcare has plenty of, it’s data. Health systems are swimming in it. But clinicians sometimes struggle to access that data in a way that can improve care and performance in the moment. Traditionally, hospitals rely on teams of data analysts for insight into large data sets, but it can often take weeks or months for data to be ready to help influence change.
Enhancing and Optimizing the Patient’s Experience and Satisfaction Through Virtual Healthcare
When the COVID-19 pandemic ensued, additional stress across the healthcare system exacerbated existing challenges and presented new ones, some of which are still being felt today like staffing shortages, health inequalities, and delayed treatments. These challenges have now intersected with heightened patient expectations regarding their healthcare journey.
How Clinical Communication and Collaboration Platforms Ensure Patient Data Security
In recent years, cyberattacks have strained IT departments and shown the vulnerability of electronic health record (EHR) systems that store patient information. Over 85% of global healthcare organizations have endured operational outages due to a direct ransomware attack.
Using AI to Remove Cognitive Burdens From Healthcare Providers
When the industry talks about providers practicing at the top of their license, the conversation often turns to the need to remove administrative barriers or issues that put another entity between the provider and the patient. EMRs played an important role in addressing documentation necessities, but brought burdens that hindered providers’ focus.
When It Comes to Patient Safety, ‘Good Enough’ Is Simply Not
While we will never fully eradicate safety events, we can ensure we manage safety better. This is especially critical now. We are only beginning to fully realize some of the pandemic’s far-reaching consequences, including extreme turnover among our most experienced nursing and clinical staff, pervasive budget cuts, and department or hospital closures, all of which threaten even the most robust quality and care safeguards.
Bringing State-of-the-Art Technology to Critical Care Education
Emergency medical services fill a critical need throughout the country, especially in rural areas. When there’s an accident or a patient needs higher-acuity care than a small community hospital can provide, air and ground medical transport services save lives.
5D Technology Offers Innovative Approach to Evaluate the Fetal Heart
Congential heart defects (CHD) not only cost $5.6 billion in hospitalizations annually, but also severely impact families in terms of added financial stress, increased caregiving time, and decreased mental health. To maximize the detection of CHD, all pregnant patients should receive a comprehensive ultrasound screening of the fetal heart.
How Virtual Monitoring Technology Improves Patient Safety
To overcome challenges associated with staffing shortages and improve patient safety, many leading hospitals and health systems have turned to virtual monitoring technology, in which a remote team of care providers supports a hospital’s bedside providers through audio and visual connections in patient rooms. This model of care helps health systems improve clinical safety and quality while liberating their bedside nurses to provide elevated, hands-on patient care.
Addressing Preventable Deaths in Maternal Care
The report also noted that the leading underlying cause of death varied by race and ethnicity, with cardiac and coronary conditions the leading cause among non-Hispanic Black patients, mental health among Hispanic and non-Hispanic white patients, and hemorrhage among non-Hispanic Asian patients.
New CMS CPT Codes Put Emphasis on Remote Therapeutic Monitoring
With nearly half of adults in the U.S. affected by musculoskeletal conditions, improved reimbursement will help expand care to patients in need, especially those faced with compounding effects of chronic pain such as depression and inactivity, as well as comorbidities like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or obesity.